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nanhua high school
102 '07
202 '08
302 '09
403 '10
11SH11 '11'12

71 words

Typing Test


Selmer Mark III Model 62 Alto
Gemeinhardt Model 3SH Intermediate Flute

2013: all these kinda seem redundant, guess we all have different likes and hobbies and perspectives now.

Friday, January 31, 2014
Haha I realise this blog sort of became just a place where I rant about ugly things because I don't wanna write about stuff like that in my diary:P Some updates on my life for this virtual space which I hope no one reads

I find that it's much easier to say the current course that I'm doing with pride to relatives than my previous course.. Not because the previous course is not something to be proud of, but that my new course is just much more of a better match :)

Cny's pretty alright this year I guess! Everyone's just in a good mood and actually it's even more fun this year because there's a baby who instantly entertains everyone cos he's so darn handsome and charming~

Saturday, January 25, 2014
Haven't been on this space for quite some time alreadyyy. Ah well, it's not like people'll read this blog anyway! Therefore, ...

Just wanted to write about how foolish I was to announce my being attached to my friends, and then having to explain myself to the people around me when they ask about you. You whom I wanted so badly to forget and ignore but stubbornly refuse to throw away the things that remind me of us. This is because I keep telling myself I am strong and mature enough to handle this and be able to see that you were clearly not the one so I wouldn't need to rely on those cheap tricks.

I guess tell people you're attached is what people in a healthy relationship do. They feel happy and overjoyed and are proud to announce that they have someone they cherish and want people to know this wonderful person they are dating. At least, that's what I believed. So that was what I did, announcing to people I was attached and telling them about the stuff we/you would do. Because I had the confidence that you were someone who would protect me and make me happy, and I would want people to know that we're together.

But that wasn't what you did, I felt. Maybe because you saw it coming. Maybe because you knew it was going to be over so you should minimise all this. But I was never prepared. At one point in time I actually was and I saw it coming but I convinced myself over the course of 2 weeks that you weren't so unreasonable and irrational, I mean dude, "lost the feeling and I don't know why"?!. That's why I cried when you actually told me that. Because up to the second before you told me we should break up, I was confident you won't do it. Yes.. if only I knew how to be that confident when it comes to all other aspects of my life.

I hate it that every now and then I have to explain to people that I'm no longer with you when they decide to ask about us. I can't even see my econs camp friends face to face because it's so ridiculous that I have to break the news to them that I'm no longer with you and bear their empathetic looks and their asking "are you okay?" when clearly I am. And much of the econs camp was built on all this share-your-relationship-information-because-if-you-wanna-be-close-you-share which was with you, so they tend to ask about you most. Guess it's time to tell them the "don't wanna talk about it story" nana suggested.

The reason why I'm ranting about this is because Jingxian, whom I adore, would always ask me about comms ball and comms parade, cos she assumes I'm going. And she just asked me if I was going. And she would tell me the date. Which I totally wouldn't mind if I were actually attached because that's really sweet (coming from her POV). But I'm fucking not and whenever she tells me the brain my scumbag brain would make a mental note even though I make an effort to forget it. The last date she told me (19jan) was such a horrific, bad day. This time, I know what to do already, I'll keep myself busy and meet people like I always do a few times a week.

Time to remove all the stupid items from plain sight.

And fyi, this is not how I feel all the time, it's only that select few moments per week then I'll suddenly think of you. I'm just ranting cos two separate people asked me about you today. Gosh.

Friday, January 10, 2014
The actual day of the Heartland Tour was yesterday!

After a month of preparation it finally came down to the actual event and boy, was the turnout rate for both facilitators and participants good! Really must thank all of them and jiajia for helping me get so many ppl:)

Super tired yesterday, went to sleep at 1+, woke up at 8.30 for work. In the end I took an afternoon nap from 2.30-4pm :o exhausteddd!

Ate at Malaysia Boleh for lunch and saw Siewsy working. Oh, and Malaysia boleh is really yumz!!! The char kway teow was SO GOOD, and the oyster omelette and claypot rice as well!

Rawr school's starting next week. Can't wait! And I'll be overloading German in the end. Haha! Still considering whether i should take the 8-10am lesson or the 4-6pm one.. Hmm.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Sometimes I really wonder if you're thinking about me like how crazily I'm thinking of you..

Feeling the urge to just contact you and ask how you're doing but resisting it so much cos I know you're most likely having a good time without me anyway. And nothing good will come out of contacting you anyway, because I need to learn how to live without you dominating my thoughts.

Sunday, January 5, 2014
First post of 2014!

Was clearing out photos on my phone cos I have less than 1gb of storage left and my phone actually didn't let me take photos cos I ran out of space ._.
Sis-in-law saw lots of photos of yx and I, and she was wondering how come I didn't delete them cos if it was her she would have deleted all of them. Idk as well, I guess it's just a beautiful part of my life I am very thankful for, and those are the living proof of those memories. It's strange what a new year does to you.. A few days ago, I would have thought that 2013 was a dreadful year, but a few days later and a few life-changing choices I made, it's almost as though I've been given a fresh start in life. Most of the photos in my phone were taken in 2013 and many of them have some link to yx somehow (I spent most of 2013 with him), but when I browsed through the photos, they just made me smile and think of the times I was blessed with in 2013.

As cliche as it sounds, I think 2014 will be a better year for me :) It may not be the best year, but it will certainly be a wonderful year. We choose to be the person we want to be. I hate being sedentary and having nothing to do in my life, that's why 2013 was pretty miserable and I'm really glad my start of 2014 was so eventful. I already got it off a good start in my first week, and I'm looking forward to the start of school!

To sum my first week up:
1. Spent the first few hours of 2014 with Ah Hua, which is definitely a great way to spend anyone's time :)

2. Recce trip with facils and members of the i-Care Network left me with a serious case of wanderlust... But it's a great experience to be able to meet up with total strangers and hear their stories! Like Eurona said, the people who are interested in the event probably are those who have had experience with going overseas and taking part in hosting events, and it's good to hear for them!

3. Project Sparkle yesterday - it's just, phenomenal, I don't actually know what was it that made me enjoy it so much yesterday. Must be the company, yeah it's the company definitely! It's like the peeps there were not judgemental at all; being with them and at the briefing and stuff just made me so full of hope. And I'm guessing they must be pretty used to opening up to people regularly, and I just found talking to them really easy. WeeKeong and Yvonne especially were so funny and joyful people, I felt really warm with the whole bunch of them!! Was glad to be able to help out, but then again I feel that these kinds of things we need to sustain. Hopefully I'll be able to do something like this again soon!

4. Sunday out with my big bro and my third bro, and their significant others (baby Gaius included!)
Soooo fun! Even though in the end I didn't manage to swim again cos it rained/drizzled, cos I was lazy, cos sleep got the better of me, it was incredibly enjoyable! I do feel a bit bad I haven't had dinner with my dad for 2 days straight, but ah well. I'll make up for it tomorrow I guess. 

Aaaaand it's time for New Year Resolutions! Yup saw the video that said 80% of resolutions fail, so I shan't bother coming up with stupid resolutions like exercise more, eat clean and stop procrastinate so much. I've made those resolutions for as long as I start being more self-aware, and yes they have failed every year. So this year, I've come up with stuff that's more um, like a way of thinking and kinda like life mottos instead of actual actions (except for the last one).

1. Give whatever we receive, like the River of Jordan and not the Dead Sea, and be one who is willing to share.
2. Learn to enjoy the process instead of be too concerned about the results. - A big reason why i decided to go for env studies because I've decided that it's what I am passionate with. I see people who didn't do so well in terms of results but their lives are just so much more fulfilling than mine. My conclusion: I've been blessed with good grades but I think I'm not using them to my advantage.. Instead letting grades climb all over my head and making me sad when I really shouldn't be. Happiness is relative, but grades shouldn't be obsessed over.
3. Be thankful for what I have and am able to go through but don't stop venturing into the unknown and searching for new experiences and meeting new people.

Lastly, drink more water :P