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nanhua high school
102 '07
202 '08
302 '09
403 '10
11SH11 '11'12

71 words

Typing Test


Selmer Mark III Model 62 Alto
Gemeinhardt Model 3SH Intermediate Flute

2013: all these kinda seem redundant, guess we all have different likes and hobbies and perspectives now.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
today had been such a great day. until facebook ruined it.

anyway, urrrrg. i only felt like blogging beccause all of a sudden i felt that life sucks (again) and i just want to rant it all out.

went to library to study with say hua after school.(but ended up playing gta half the time) watched the band setting up their chairs&stuff for the rehearsal for a short while but only taoyang saw us, haha. sayhua is such a great person. she cheers everyone up!

walked home from west mall with say hua, but halfway i realised i had 4 missed calls and found out that my family was going to have dinner at west mall so i took the bus back.

anyway, once i reached home i switched on the computer to check out hotel city. and as usual i'll look at the home page etc etc.. then i just felt very sad.
yea, i brought it upon myself, but... it still made it sad.
yea, i'm irresponsible, but i have something called guilt okay?
and yea, i'm so going to band tomorrow. even if everyone in my class pon again (as usual).

today's mrs lew's birthday! happy birthday mrs lew! (-.-)
our class wanted to get someone to act faint and get her to come our class, but the whole plan failed cus... we didn't have a proper game plan. :)
nonetheless, we sang her a rather loud birthday song (louder than our singing of sch song this morning duh) and she asked "okay now where's my cake?" hahaha so cute! but we didn't have a cake, so...

recently got so many ppl's birthday. my parents were nagging about me spending too much on other ppl's presents when my birthday is in november and i don't get any o.0
urrg. omg i'm feeling sad again. i don't know if you're all angry with me or what, but.. i didn't realise the consequences would be like this...

anw, still havent pass felix his birthday present. i've yet to wrap it decently and i'm still lacking a card.

urg. screw my life.
o levels suck. sec 4 sucks. adaptation sucks.

recently there was an epidemic going around, with 8 ppl absent last friday. my dad got the flu bug also, and he passed it to my mum. so inevitably i got a little unwell during the weekend since i came into contact with their saliva... zz
now i'm okay but i still have a sore throat and there's like this effing big amount of phlegm down in my throat. and the irritating thing is monday's napfa test left me sore all over so when i attempt to cough it kinda lacks the energy to cough out the phlegm. so i've been having coughing fits since sunday. and while i was happily coughing away, nothing went wrong, but this afternoon in the library, my ear started hurting quite badly each time i coughed. perhaps it's my body's way of telling me to stop coughing before i get emphysema (haha).

chem spa tmr. urg.
yesterday's present hunting trip with cailing reminded me of how 402 rocks.

402 rocks;)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

i think i'm in a pre-quarter-life crisis.

Life as a 15-yr-old Singaporean teen is so stessing. I'm struggling to keep up with work in school, feeling so low in life, thinking that my life so far has been wasted and dreading the start of another typical day.

I feel like starting a journal somehow before I start abusing alcohol or getting in love with younger people (lol). I was inspired by the diary of Anne Frank. How she manages to confide in her diary. Blogging seems more fun, but you can't post everything since people do read them...

Maybe I should devote myself to studies. Like burying myself in heaps of books and assessments, one after another.

I have totally nothing to blog about now... Can't seem to find any interesting happenings except for complaining about how screwed my life is...

Hmmm. Today... sian. Lessons after lessons, math and chem put together = own. Had fun messing around with Mrs Chang, Yixiang had waffles under his table, Mrs Chang was really furious and she walked to our desks and was busy peering under our tables. She sort of had a shock when she not only saw waffles under yx's desk but:
1. a pack of unopened Ritz crackers
2. a half eaten pear
3. a box of Honey stars (empty though)
under my desk. hahahaha... I think after that she decided not to expose our crimes since I didn't eat outright and blatently in her class :)

We were playing with Jing En's glow-in-the-dark glitter glue... drawing faces on our erasers and smeering the glitter on the desks. It was totally fun, especially when someone decided to draw some frog-like thing on my german-made eraser. When I tried to press the glitter on my desk, I think I pressed the eraser too hard and when we took the eraser up the eyes of the face looked like egg yolks...

Haha I think we wasted a lot of Jing En's glue so she ended up having to resort to putting the glue in her bag! Out of sight, out of mind :) Sorry ah. haha :]

Physics.. Mr Peh had a massive pms thing going on. When he was in class Jerald and Yixiang had sort of a minor fight, then he called them out for a while... yawns. At the end of his lesson everyone was downright bored and sleepy... urg thinking of that makes me sleepy...

Haha sorry people, I tmr no food to bring to school already... Exhausted my supplies :) except for a few packs of cereal? Which nobody eats most of the time...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

School's starting tomorrow! I can't believe it! I wasted 4 good days when I actually be studying Math or English or Chinese... or doing Asknlearn homework (damn it).

Today was a really boring day. I woke up at 1pm when I actually set the alarm to ring at 9am. The alarm did ring, but I just ignored it. For me, it's been a super short day today. Went to Say Hua's house to watch Formula 1. Don't wanna talk about it... Alonso's car screwed up at lap 55 (GODDAMNIT IT WAS THE SECOND LAST LAP. WTFOMG) If he decided to stop fighting with Button for 8th position and settled for 9th place he would have got 2 points, which means he would have tied Massa for first place at the driver's standing. I'm just so dissappointed.. I mean it's not his fault that he's competitive or what, but it makes people's hearts sink for people obsessed with him like me. Rosberg got a podium finish at 3rd! Say Hua's really glad. :)

Say Hua's Uncle Peter came also, and as usual I'll be trying to find something to counter his "Alonso's a traitor". Haha, I think some day I'll get used to that!

Sigh. I really hope someone bombs the Red Bull F1 base or something. Really makes me mad when their cars just keep getting pole position. And yes, I make my stand. Vettel is a ****face who is fugly and no one can deny that.

Math test tomorrow after school. As usual, I didn't study. Hope I don't dissappoint myself again...

Say Hua and I are going karting someday at Kart World someday. Someday. Hahaha, on my birthday I shall make her treat me to the kart ride ($28 per 10min ride) and I'll treat her on her birthday! Or maybe in the future after 'O' s we'll go on an excursion to Malaysia and we'll get go for some cheap cheap go-kart trip!

Had Domino's Pizza for dinner. Gawdddd Domino's Pizza rocks. And I love the free pizza if they don't serve within 15min. Damn shiok man.

Okay, bedtime. My mother just loves to throw her airs around and complain to my father behind our backs. Most of the time my father will just ignore her unless it's really like very serious. I know, because she's done so to my brothers thousands of times when they're not around (and I was around). So far, it doesn't take effect for me, until that day when my father came up to me and sort of reprimanded me for sleeping late these few days. It's okay, I don't mind at all, because this has no effect on me whatsoever except me hating her more for her childish ways of disciplining us. And, nonetheless, it makes me want to rebel more. So tonight, I'm sleeping at 12 no matter what. :)

Sigh. On the other hand however, I should really be getting some sleep. Recently my face problem just got worse... Like got more and more bumps coming out on my forehead. Doesn't it annoy you when you are stuck in a situation whereby you wish to obey your parents but you just feel like irritating them so you purposely do the opposite.

Fine, I shall just wait for my hair to dry before I sleep... Eesh.

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Okay, I've calmed down.

Quite a few stuff happened these days.. Not really interesting or wad.. but... oh well.

I went for a morning swim with my mother yesterday (thursday). Since I clearly saw the elearning assignment expiry date indicating "3 April 12 f***ing AM", I went to swim with her thinking that I could complete the assignments on Friday or even SATURDAY.

I decided to put on a swimming cap for the first time in my whole life since it was supposed to erm, protect you hair? Naturally I was quite clumsy and it took me some time to get the stupid piece of rubber securely on my head. The unfortunate thing was, apparently I had pulled the cap too much to the front. Other than a rather weird feeling of something pulling my forehead real tight, it wasn't causing much of a problem. Swam 11laps, which should be around 1.1km. Eesh. If the sun weren't up so soon I would have stayed for a while more...

Went to wash up, shower etc etc. The horror: when I got out of the shower, I looked in the mirror and I saw this hideous line smack across my forehead!! The top was white and the bottom was so tan! Screw the swimming cap for getting that tan line on my face!!! Dang, another 2 weeks of no-fringe-clipping-up-days I guess... Luckily it wasn't too bad and somehow after like 2 hours I think it's barely visible... Phew.

In the afternoon, I went to Central@Clarke Quay with Jocelyn. And nonetheless, I was late again... Like for 50min straight. Poor Jocelyn, she had to wait for me for 20min even though she was smart enough to come out of house like 30min later than she would have. Haha!

Spending money is a form of therapy man. I was supposed to get a new pair of slippers since mine snapped a few weeks ago and I haven't got a decent pair of slippers to wear. In the end, Central was deserted to a certain extent, so obviously it was near impossible to get cheap and nice slippers. We went to Sticky and got ourselves some sweets before leaving for Orchard.

And, zomg 313@Somerset is such a wonderful place. The extensive variety of dining choices available, 4 levels of Forever 21 (sadly the area wasn't too big per level), Harris and a really, really bigg UNIQLO. Yayes!! A pity we couldn't afford the clothes we were dying to try out and pay cus most of our money was wasted on super expensive food items (which turned out to be not so nice to eat after all). Someday I'm going to drag my mother there to pay for clothes!! :)

Had Superdog for dinner. I didn't know Superdog was so affordable. Got ourselves a Chilli Cheese Dog set meal for like, $5.90?! That's kinda cheaper than Mac. And sad to say, their fries were better than those at Mac, in my opinion. After that, since Superdog gave out free Harris discount vouchers, we went to Harris. Finally bought The Diary of Anne Frank!

Wasted my whole day at home trying to brace myself for an attack from another stupid player in Three Kingdoms Online. Yes, Joy = no life. Thank you. :]

Urggg. Can someone provide me with some form of consolation whatsoever? The mere thought of Mdm Yong's words of wisdom accompanied by saliva drowning me frightens me. Well, I still think it's not my fault that I thought 12am, 3 April was the minute after 11.59pm, 3 april and not the minute before 12.01am, 3 April. Why can't they write 11.59pm, 2 April? Don't teachers have the intellect for such simple things? Even Starhub has the foresight to see that people will get confused. I remember getting smses about my free smses (prepaid cards have these offers) and it says 2359 and not 2400. Hey wait. actually if it's 2400, it means the last minute of the day! only when it's 0000 is it the first minute of the day! Hey, wait again. Perhaps the a.m. sign is...

Okay, forgive me if you found the previous paragraph lame. I was just trying to convince myself that I hadn't done anything wrong...I'd better stop before I make cursing teachers a habit. It won't do me good in writing compositions or answering questions...

Should I bake cheesecake on Sunday?

Hmmm. I think my cheesecake skills should have deteriorated. Hey, it's not my fault okay... it's been ages since I last baked a cheesecake. The last time I baked a chocolate cake at Say Hua's house it turned out burnt and uncooked at the same time... (but at least Alonso got a 4th that day and maintained his driver's standing.) Made me lose quite a lot of motivation and passion for baking.

Which reminds me, F1 this weekend!!! Wheeeee!

Went to iKea with my big bro and his gf. Finally ate their meatballs (LOL okay I know, I've been living in Singapore for 16 years and I haven't tasted ikea's meatballs before. haha...)!
Bought a glass dish suitable for baking and this set of really nice measuring spoons. One day I'll invite some good friends from 402 and I'll cook for them! Time to show off my culinary skills! Lols I love my Shepherd's Pie (even though no one at home really really really liked it. They said it was so-so.). Then I'll roast a rack of pork ribs, some baked eggplant dish specially for xinghui, pasta, blah blah blah.. Hmmm I'm getting hungry.

Shall finish here. Till next time. lols



Yea, I'm trying to stop myself for typing the 'f' word out loud. urrrrgggggggggg!!! Now what?! Mdm Yong's gonna kill me. Shit man!!

Okay I'm in a state of nervous breakdown. Can't. Think. Straight.

And crap man, today my Three Kingdoms Online city got attacked. No mood to study. My mind's only set on saving my city. (lol)

Shall try to find someone who hasn't attempted the quizes like me... tomorrow. Since it's like 1+ in the morning and I think nobody should be online...urrrggggg. I'm so crap.