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nanhua high school
102 '07
202 '08
302 '09
403 '10
11SH11 '11'12

71 words

Typing Test


Selmer Mark III Model 62 Alto
Gemeinhardt Model 3SH Intermediate Flute

2013: all these kinda seem redundant, guess we all have different likes and hobbies and perspectives now.

Thursday, December 10, 2009
sleepover rocks!
i want another one :D
i was trying to coerce my second bro into sleeping in my bedroom and letting all of us sleep in his room
but anyway that was a failure, so ._.
say hua we're depending on you!
and enjoy your hong kong trip!!

i even thought of an itinerary for another sleepover!! most likely with me, felix, jerome, say hua, yan ting again since i think our parents will allow! :D
1st day:
2pm - 5pm play sports (badminton, basketball, swimming etc etc)
5pm - 6.30pm shower time
6.30pm - 8pm dinner!
8pm - ??? play cards, watch tv, play com, gossip, sleeep :D

2nd day:
7.30 rise and shine!!
8am - 10am jog/pt/breakfast at mac
10am-1pm movie + lunch
1pm-6pm shopping + dinner
6pm-8pm bowling?
8pm go home
8.30- ??? play cards, watch tv, play com, gossip, christmas gift exchange, sleeep :D

3rd day:
morning go jog/walk/badminton :D
go home!

i'm desperate!
gahh. but no home for us to stay in.
lol okay maybe is my parents dont allow me to go guy's home

which reminds me, very long since i played badminton with wei ming, hui qi, yong tao, sin nee etc. :]

arg. i'm wasting my time away. T.T
and i'm grounded next week.
mum wants me to stay at home and get ready for the overseas trip.

Saturday, December 5, 2009
okay now that the concert's over, i need to change my phone number..
i shall spend my afternoon smsing everyone in my contact list. sian.

new number's 9388 1890
hard to rmb hor?

okay, quite sometime since i updated my blog;

27 NOV 09
went to the flyer with my family and grandparents to celebrate my birthday (sort of)
not as boring as i thought
cus we snapped some family pics like for the first time in eons

dad kept showing off his new nokia phone that had a 5mp camera
when my bro's gf has this 12.1 megapixels phone+cam

went to putien restaurant
the food quite nice :)
i felt darn proud of myself because i refused to eat the sharks' fin dad ordered
so i gave it to my bro (actually i was drooling over it while feeling proud about myself)
then i signed up for this facebook group: ban sharks' fin in singapore :D
and nope, you won't be eating any sharks' fin in my wedding dinner with ... (lol vacant)

went home kinda late.

28 NOV 09

went to school for open house
lol everyone said it was boring but i think it was okay :D
becaue i got spammed happy birthday when one person started say happy birthday
then others start going "eh? oh, happy birthday joy! =D"
see? that's the greatest thing about having your birthday in school
not some holiday thing..
because even though ppl dont rmb your birthday they can wish you in time :D
and facebook's sucha great invention
got spammed birthday wishes also, even though not a lot, but from a lot of ppl i'm not familiar with on my wall! :]

<3 des who posted a birthday song on class blog (haha class tradition to sing bday song in school)
(i forgot to post a birthday song back to her but i smsed her a bday song at 1am to her on her bday!)
<3 sayhu(a), si qi, yanting, yiting who bought that super delicious birthday cake for me and they sang a birthday song for me toooo :D (first time i got a bday cake in my life.. sad life story hor?)
<3 zoelyn, felix, donna who sang me a birthday song and brought me to sumo house for lunch! :D
<3 huiqi, sayhua, jing en, xinghui, who wrote me cards and gave me presents and des and lynette who promised they're gonna gimmi my present soon once i see them!
<3 felix for ending up with cream on his face!
<3 all the ppl who smsed me happy birthday & wished me happy birthday on fb!
<3 aloy who forgot it was my birthday and rmbed 2 days later.
<3 jerome who totally didn't know whose birthday it was even though everyone said happy bday to me-.-
<3 sam who gave me that waxed hand of his! :D together with two other section mates! that's so thoughtful! :] :]

<3 everyone i left out by accident (because my birthday's long gone...)

later at night,
went to hci concert with sayhu, jerome, fiona and likai
great concert btw
and darn i realise who stupid i am. got lots of friends in hc band now. see my primary schools so talented and smart right?
saw jeremy, kang ming, byran (rulang friend)
lol jeremy was like shouting when he saw me cus i said i wont go at first
and i made him say happy birthday to me! haha
took like 2 pics with sharon etc?

played treasure hunt, some ppl was kinda not enthu
but we couldnt do much anyway except get frustrated and pissed
then we took like forever (25min) to settle the groupings when we only had 50min to play
ended up having a super short treasure hunt with half of the band missing cus they're in alumni prac

ball games turned out to be giant skip and that rearranging ppl on the bench thing..
which was quite okay.
giant skip was fun :D
the majors jumped the most no. of times! but i cmi, cus i was laughing when aloy said apple had to turn a super duper big round to make the rope turn!

mr tan came finally, like after missing the whole previous week of band pracs
when he came it kinda brought hope to the band cus at that time we were all actually thinking the concert was bound to be a failure.

twin oaks was DISASTROUS.

i think that day was just more prac and more prac lah,
and my section was very very very failed cus everyone had something on.
it was kinda like from the second day on i "gave up" on my section momentarily because of the number of people present.
i mean, what can be worse than being a section leader without a proper section.
what happened guys? i mean, saxophones used to be a really strong group with more people than euphos and sometimes trumpet on occasional days
but some days during practice, i'll see no one around except for me and felix.
it's really disheartening, so i kinda decide to contribute more to the majors

haha another way to brighten up your life is to play waterbomb with lots of ppl
which turned out to be waterfight because we went out of bombs
and yesh, i can finally tie a pack of stuff in a plastic bag with a string :D
we ended up picking empty bottles from the floor and filling it with water to splash ppl :D
i took this 1.5l water bottle from ash and pour 1.5 l of water on aloy's head while he doing debrief
haha :D

volunteered to do the repertoire booklet
stayed up till 12+ with sin nee to discuss the booklet and do the art work
went to sleep like a log

alumni prac, sectionals (gah no time!)
which resulted in a very failed combined for the saxes, or at least, me.

was running around frantically trying to confirm some concert details.
had this mahjong paper game
the group i took was kinda boring, but it could have been much worse without ppl like aloysius and yi ran inside
then we did this relay thing with the mahjong paper
which was really cool but more like a joke for us to laugh at because the mahjong paper ended up being torn quite badly for a few groups

yayes; sleepover!
had to go to jerome's house to finish the repertoire booklet without cover design
so we ended up going to sayhua's house at 9+ with jerome and aloy
when si qi, apple, yan ting, felix and yuwei were there for quite long already
had dinner at 9.30 (famished!)
sayhua's maid cook until not bad (or we were too hungry to think)
got curry chicken+bread and beehoon!

felix was like super horny that night
i slept with the guys, but luckily jerome protected me by sleeping in between me and felix
which was quite bad for him because the mattress one high one low then he sleep in the middle quite uncomfy :[ sorry and thank you! hahaa

Band prac on thurs
went to school for band prac with jerome they all
skipped our macdonalds breakfast thanks to us thinking that it was late and we should hurry in case band members were waiting for us.
rushed there to find out that tragically, mdm zuraida was stuck in a jam.
like wtf do we care. you're late!

combined in basketball court
and was kinda screwed.
bad tone, too soft, missed solos, bite too hard, etc etc
i think the problem was lack of sectionals for me..

almost brought my sax home
thankfully i didnt
cus we had to shop for gifts for mr tan and check out how much the repertoire booklet costs if we printed it outside.
okay, actually we wanted to print it in school, but i just wanted to pit myself against zuraida.
she promised she'll print the pages for us by today but then she changed her mind and said tmr. wtf.

went to vivo to look for gifts for mr tan.
actually only wanted soft toy and flowers,
but we saw this SUPER DUPER cute monkey and we decided to get 4 gifts for each of us to present to mr tan!

went home at 9.30pm
damn late...
cus we took damn long in selecting the gifts.
and i was like super broke, going shopping with $3 in my wallet
thank you aloy and jerome for paying for dinner and stuff
will return you someday
even though they refused to take my only pathetic $2 note.

for some reason, aloy decided to make jerome and i go to school at 8.30 when everyone else only needs to report at 10.
in school, we merely stared and each other and fiddle with the gifts we boughts

had to photocopy the scores, was damn last minute...
everything was in a big mess in the band room
rehearsal wasn't bad because i just told all the altos, don't give a damn about your tone for now, just blast :D
lol usually it would be bad advice. today, i guess it's just... the best advice for a section that's really tiny.

i think we did well
because we were loud (lol)
and that gave me hope :D
thanks edlind, jia min, shan jie and felix for standing by me.
mr tan said we were improving and doing well :]

rushed out during lunch to get flowers for mr tan
the flowers were like...... EX
it's daylight robbery!!!!
3 pathetic stalks of sunflowers for $60?!
gawd if my boyfriend gave me fresh roses i'll slap him immediately after kissing him!
lol joking :D
it was raining when we went there, so as usual my shoe got wet tgt with my socks..
and i shared a brolly with jerome and aloy took a brolly himself
met zoelyn and benedict halfway there and was like trying to kope her brolly so that she can share with benedict
hahahaha :D
dunno why aloy halfway suddenly emo then he stopped using the umbrella
and jerome and I had to keep our umbrella to make him open his. nvm long story..

we managed to do sort of a run through after the rehearsal, without mr tan, which was a bad idea because i think basically zuraida doesnt know a thing about concerts.
and we couldnt do much with her bossing around.

and yea, i had a wardrobe malfunction (hehs)
but, yea it was settled in time :D
thank you~

rushed down after a futile attempt to find eighties gold (our encore again)
and had like totally no appetite somehow..
just couldnt swallow anything after chewing the food.
shared a few mouthfuls with aloy. ate like. erm 2 mouthfuls of rice (quite bad) and one piece of chicken
the rest gave to felix and jerome (their third helping lol) and aloy

backstage. damn nervous.
i was like super pissed cus we dont have eighties gold score and where in the world was that damned band key??
and sorry aloy, didn't know u were crying, i kept banding on the toilet door asking where's the key

concert wasn't bad
even though we screwed up a. lot.
in the end twin oaks was just a big failure for me
thank you edlind for saving the day :D
mr tan looked pissed after twin oaks and march kawasaki
but thankfully before he left for the intermission he smiled :]

alumni was gooooood.
LOVE MY SECTION (alumni band)
got 6 alumni players excluding felix when the main band only had 5 in total...
one word. owned.
the alumni band was a lot smaller lah, obviously
and our section was like overpowering everyone else in the alumni band :D

didnt play broadway in the end
christofle didn't miss his solo (lol) and he played thousand times better than me.
i should learn how to do vibrato :D

before the encore piece, we had to give our presents to mr tan
and yea, think it's the first time he get so many gifts in a concert
i was supposed to put the monkey around his neck, and before that we were all wondering if that was disrespectful or what
but heng sia. i asked whether i could put the monkey around his neck then he gave me this o.0 look but i went on with what i was supposed to do. lol

sam and his friends from vs came!! :D :D :D :D :D
apple saw his jeremy
after the concert sam was at the backstage then he gave me this firm handshake
and kinda took me by surprise when he told me happy birthday (i thought he said congrats for the concert)
then felix said hahaha, isn't it long over? (i was like, huh felix, no link?)
and sam handed me this birthday gift inside a box that looked like it contained a cake (i was wondering why they give cakes during concerts)
hahaha, took 30seconds to figure out what was happening
all of a sudden *ding* and i realise that was my birthday gift. rofl!

the waxed hand was damn cooool :D
i wonder how he made that!

went to macs with aloy, jerome, sayhua, si qi, yan ting, yi ting, edlind, jia min to celebrate!
bought a green tea even though i was like super duper ultra hungry but i just didn't have the appetite. lols; macs isn't appetizing anymore..

played cards until we ended up missing all the last buses home..
took a taxi home with say hua and edlind :D

<3 band!