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nanhua high school
102 '07
202 '08
302 '09
403 '10
11SH11 '11'12

71 words

Typing Test


Selmer Mark III Model 62 Alto
Gemeinhardt Model 3SH Intermediate Flute

2013: all these kinda seem redundant, guess we all have different likes and hobbies and perspectives now.

Sunday, August 30, 2009
another sunday has come and i'm wasting my precious time doing nothing but desperately trying to find something to do at facebook...

recently... band band band practices, i've got a sudden craze for badminton and we're going to play it on the coming friday :]

yesterday was fun fun fun! went to sin nee's house to bake for our dear teachers.
alright, fine. went to sin nee's house to bake for mdm yong!
haha, her mum's really really funny.
my concept of a mum wasn't like this. not at all.
well, that's because my mum isn't like that..

met up at west mall to get a gift, but in the end we just decided to bake cus we couldnt make up our mind on what to buy.
so since those absent couldnt chip in (we weren't buying anything), we sort of called them up and asked them to turn up NOW.
haha :]

started with the muffins, which didn't taste like muffins you buy in the bakery, it turned out kinda dry and fluffy (THE WAY I LOVE IT, those in bakeries were too sticky for me)
eurona and yong tao came after that, and weiming, whom yongtao said was going to come didnt turn up. they went on to make cookies, which i totally didn't help at all (except eat lah)
cookies were delicious, thanks to sin nee's mum (the pro)
why didn't i help? because i was busy making my beautiful card
and cus i was alone, desiree keep saying i emo =.=

her mum's totally interesting and fun man! yong tao kept "playing" and teasing her! lol!
then he kept talking about her "ah lao" (sin nee's dad) then wad who more handsome -.-

following that, when we were making the cards, there was a mad frenzy of sticking double-sided tape onto yongtao's super duper hairy leg, and there was total chaos and laughter lah!! :]

we went on the watch ah long pte ltd, which i've watched before. nonetheless, it's still really enjoyable :)
i realise watching jack neo's films are a great way to learn how to speak hokkien. (cantonese in this case since ah long pte ltd was made to be released in m'sia also)

watched where got ghost recently during my dad's birthday
hahahaha, damn funny, but not really scary as compared to those horror movies...
the ng parts are nice :]

also really into making cupcakes these days. cus there's a high demand for them. LOL
everytime bring to school then can see yong tao fight over the cupcakes =.=

these few days, during the ke qian liang fen zhong, we totally got crazy... kept cheering and applauding for the speakers non-stop, like for 2min!! then after sometime weiming and i simply stood up!! hahahahaha; the idea of a standing ovation :]
during xing hui's speech, i think someone from the other end of the class passed a message, to stand up after she finished speaking.
and true enough, we all ended up standing, with only a tiny portion of the class (those in front) who didn't stand because it would be a bit obvious if we passed the msg to them!
hahahaha; xing hui and the SO. :P

sigh, going to be my turn on... friday. sad T.T don't know what to write already...
plus my chinese isn't that superb, as compared to desiree's pro-ness...

band... sian.
lost interest in band already... can't play well...
and darn, there's not going to be a band concert at the end of the year. crap!
joint concert with vs and another school, i forgot which.
but anyway, joint concert with vs :)))))
hahahaha... can see sam again!

nvm, back to the topic.
no band camp also!!!
that's like one of the few parts of the year i enjoy most... sigh.
maybe we should organise a chalet or something like that.


common test results.

English 15/30 C6
Chinese 44.5/50 A1 (DAMN TYCO ONE LARH, this time dun have compre and compo)
Math 32/35 A1
A Math 28/35 A1
Bio 40/45 A1
Physics 34/45 A1 (darn, my physics deteriorated)
Chem 41/50 A1 (tyco)
Geog 11/17
SS 10/18
Combined Humanes C6 (counting mid year and fpsp)

Sunday, August 9, 2009