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nanhua high school
102 '07
202 '08
302 '09
403 '10
11SH11 '11'12

71 words

Typing Test


Selmer Mark III Model 62 Alto
Gemeinhardt Model 3SH Intermediate Flute

2013: all these kinda seem redundant, guess we all have different likes and hobbies and perspectives now.

Friday, February 20, 2009
btw, if u dunno there's a australia trip check out the circular they gave us.
community relations, mr chia in charge, 5 sec 3s.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009
ok, i couldnt resist blogging this up.
yesh, as we all know, the china students (NO, NOT TIEFENG)
are far ahead of us, especially math and chemistry.

funny thing was, today mrs chang was going through matrices
then tiefeng and i were like..
tiefeng: huh they don't know what's matrices?
joy: hey! they appear not to know!
tiefeng: YESS!!! *clenches fist*
joy: YES!! *clenches fist*

LOL. and we sort of started laughing.
ok i know we're being mean. but hey... it's just. wow!
i mean, after this one and a half month with them i realise they're really geniuses.
"zomg. china produces this type of talents"
then today, wahhh shiok ah.

seriously, especially the girl in my class angdi,
who seriously tops chem in my class.
and she's got like full marks for almost every test so far.

after a very motivational but stressful talk by mr peh, i'm freaked out.
he was going through some o level stuff.
and walao.. say until liddat.
i mean i know it's true lah. but from teacher's point of view more scary.

so i went home and wrote on this piece of paper, NJC.
just plain, bold words to remind myself to jiayou.
must get 6 points like sharon. NJ HERE I COME!!!

AHHHH. streessssss. really need to relieve myself (no, not my bladder)
haish. shall go for a nice basketball game with huiqi on friday.
and after that, no joke. full scale revision.

jiayou joy!! YOU CAN DO IT!
and whoever's reading this, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

good luck for CT, ppl =)

Monday, February 16, 2009
arrrrg. sec 3 sucks.
CHEM!!! salts??!!
physics??!! free-fall...
bio... not so bad. except for some memory work.
A MATH. *falls asleep.*

band today.
hahaha. super high. lol. for some reason after donna said my tone was better i could hold notes very long and my tone started to sound terrible. hahahaha =.=
SYF!!! must buck up.
but i think my sciences already wanna die liao.

finished all my brownies.

nvm. tmr bring more.
physics practical was fun. even though i got some weird number for my gradient but mr peh still said it's the best i can go. lols..
(ok. actually all SPAs are fun =])

bio... enzymes lorh.

ehhh. darn. just realised ants are drinking my sugarcane juice. SHOO.

AND WEISIANG!. ZZZ. dunno is u or pearlie.
check out ur links tt part. very beautiful =]

got physics hw. and add math. ok. better go do. even though i'm supposed to be revising for my math retest...

Sunday, February 15, 2009
lol. for some reason i'm starting to hate language subjects.
ok, or in the first place, i've been hating them since p3.

chem's tough. i realise that. i never knew that chem could be tough enough for me not to understand.
but apparently, it is.
physics too.
math three.

ok, i'm starting to dislike my fringe. most likely cus yesterday, the lady straightened my hair.
so obviously after bathing it's curly. and unsightly. and it sticks out at places it's not supposed to.

lol. still have a shen huo sui bi to write. and rd ws. and lots of chem worksheets.

sry guys, but i might not be able to bake the brownies today. which also means u might not be able to eat them tmr. rofl.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
third post today. wapiang. i've never ever felt so happy laughing at my own race.
lol. check this out:


it's about russell peters, an canadian (indian) stand up comedian.
ever heard about the joke "your mother is so fat when she jumps for joy, she gets stuck?"
yea. it originated from him.

his jokes are kind of racist. but if u just kan kai yi dian it's frigging funny.

=] enjoy.

recession. good or bad in the average teenage girl's point of view.

- malls arent so crowded now =]
- which also means i dont need to fight for the salesperson at popular bookstore.
- coffee price may drop by 10 cents
- obama wins presidency.
- i wont feel guilty buying ex stuff cos it helps the economy (salesgirl wun lose her job =.=)
- can convince dad or mum to buy a condo cos prices falling. hahaha. (obviously they're not.)
- can watch salesgirls desperately trying to beg guys to buy roses. (aint it just amusing?)

- dad and mum nags about $$.
- the news gets boring after sometime (everyday about recession)
- got more reasons to stay home (dowan lah. go out waste money)
- cannot eat at restaurants more often
- CEP lessons are about recession..
- the lady-in-charge gives tiny onion slices for bio practical.

hahaha. somehow, i think it recession is good as long as your family isnt very affected by it.
affected means 'dad lose job', 'allowance cut', 'downgrade apartment' etc etc.
hahas. teens arent very considerate arent they?

for some reason i keep typing velentines.

went to west mall to have lunch.
then donna called to tell me we're not meeting up.
hahas. nvm. i can self study i suppose.

had a haircut. FINAAAALLLLY.
after a long, faithful wait of like... 2, 3 months.
cut my fringe.
i think it's weird sometimes. but i'm still adpating.
the hairstylist helped me straighten my hair with the flat iron.
zomg. first time. but i love it =)
so tempting. i'm so gonna straighten my hair during march holidays.
it's $179 for my hair length =[

wore my new shoes today.
i think they're nice.
it's a nice change after wearing slippers faithfully almost everytime i go out for ~2 years.


Friday, February 13, 2009
ulcers hurt.

took damn long to finish my subway 6-inch.
thnks to that ulcer.

listening to some piccolo piece by vivaldi.
who's that? no idea.
all i know is that it's the required piece to get into BPO flute.
they only have a vacancy for piccolo.
flute lah.
but it's cool enough.
i know i may never make it there.
plus my dad hasnt really given me a reply on whether i can learn flute.

happy valentines' ppl!!
yea. thanks for all the sweets/chocs etc etc i received
i finished all the edible stuff in sch.

i regret doing that.
i was having a really bad sore throat in the morning.
aft sch i went to jp with wanxin
and ate subway.
then i went to my dad's office.
and desperately went to sleep cos my flu was taking over me. =.=
then i woke up... wah. buay tah han.
but after some time the sore throat sort of disappeared.
so i went for dinner!
like 3hrs after my lunch =.=
super full.

in around 20 min more, it's gonna be valentines'!
haha. enjoy the day man.

Monday, February 9, 2009
woosh. what a short day today.
i'm not complaining. =)

today. shiok. went to vivo with donna.
had subway, and a very lengthy conversation about basically everything we could think of.
realise we two actually have stuff to say =}
which reminds me, i still have a double choc cookie sitting in my bag now.

yayes; we both bought a zinc bag each. and i bought a pair of sneakers too!
haha. i think i spent a lot.
but, yea. i think buying stuff u like gives u quite a lot of 满足感.
haish. so i guess the article on straights times about 'youths will spend the most even if there is a recession or global financial meltdown going on'
agreed. hahas.

today's straights times is kind of interesting.
ok. this is random. and i dont rmb any of the interesting headlines.
except for the australia bushfire.

hmm. somehow bushfire makes me think of obama.
bushfire --> EX-president bush
george bush --> USA
USA --> obama on the today's readers' digest.

go obama. i vote for change.

which reminds me. haish. i still cant adapt to sec 3 life.
the stuff to study is really tough as compared to sec two.
haish. i dont really get what the teachers are really talking about.

ok. 3 tests (including spelling) tmr.
gotta buck up.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

yesterday morning.
library with donna.
she tested me about properties of the covalent/metallic/ionic compounds
which is still cant rmb.
must jy today.
so far... 4 tests next week.
hope they dont add anymore to the 4.

went to my dad's office/workshop yesterday to practice.
yea. we sound terrible, i admit.
after going through overture no 1 and longford i let her listen to this piece by the berlin philharmonic orchestra
nutcracker suite!!!


so far... i think i watched/listened to itat least 14 times?
and there's this frigging pro flautist called Anreas Blau.
zomg. ok, i'm listening to it again. which makes it my 15th time. or somewhere there.
too bad vixy still doesnt work for me. if not it'll be in phone now.

which reminds me. dunno is iTunes, vixy, or my com got prob.
when i convert the youtube vid into mp3 format
the thing turns out like 3 or 4 times the length.
5min piece can end up like 25min...

Friday, February 6, 2009


sob. i'm awe struck.
sobs. i really wanna go to the Waldbühne and watch a concert by BPO

lots of test next week

i want go germany for my honeymoon.
the concerts there in Waldbühne by BPO last the whole day if i'm not wrong.
haha... i can just sit there for the whole day with him (i wonder who he'll be)~.
awww. i really wanna fly there now..

feel like learning the oboe all of a sudden.
and violin too.
sot right?
apple!! helppp!!