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nanhua high school
102 '07
202 '08
302 '09
403 '10
11SH11 '11'12

71 words

Typing Test


Selmer Mark III Model 62 Alto
Gemeinhardt Model 3SH Intermediate Flute

2013: all these kinda seem redundant, guess we all have different likes and hobbies and perspectives now.

Friday, August 29, 2008

This post is dedicated to all the teachers that have or have not taught me!!

I just came back from my dad's office anyway. Random.

Finally, it's the end of term 3, but I guess i have to bear in mind that EOY's coming in like, erm, 2 weeks?

Yes, I must do well for English right, so.. no slang this post =P zzz

Mdm Leong (i dunno why i'm writing her first =.=)
Okay, I would like to thank her first for being the form teacher of 102 '07!
And during my first days in this very great school
when I was blur unfamiliar like a sotong to this fabulous school.

On second thoughts, this rather good school ^^

Okay, I know she's very pissed off annoyed a lot of times, (in fact, most of the time)
but yea, I really want to thank her for being so patient
to our class, who cant stop asking questions! =P
and yes, I believe you are an experienced teacher,
and you've done well teaching us!

Mr Ho (international gay colour)
Mr ho's leaving.. T.T
Initially i disliked you, because i got super very low for English for CT.
(I was like, "WTH! how u mark paper one?!?")
but surprisingly, I enjoyed every single of his lessons
This is because he was more of a good friend to us
,despite us calling him gay =.= (he looks perfectly like a macho guy but his face just looks kinda gay? I dunno don't know how to explain.)
Today, he spent most of his time with us, during the mass walk and the class party
Mr ho gave wanxin a whole pack of biscuits and we shared them =)

Haha.. during the concert when all the teachers were supposed to go up to the stage 2/3 boys called him.
Then he turned back and was doing the 'shhhhh' thing >.<

I'll miss u!

Ms Kee 
Yay! Best form teacher of the year
+ Best History teacher I've encountered so far. (She's the reason why I want to take history next year)

Ms Kee~ just by hearing her name, students will smile~
Ms Kee is the second best teacher in my nan hua life =)
(Ms Sylvia Fu's the best~ even though she doesn't know me.. taught us for a couple of months)

I think she really really cared a whole lot about our class
rather than Mdm Surin, (yes, i know she's experienced, Ms Kee...)
who does nothing during PC and CEP lessons.
Ms Kee bothered to help us get a teacher when we were missing a few teachers
and she really knows a lot about history. =)

Wherever she's around, she seems to bring joy to my heart
(Joy to Joy's heart?)
beacuse of her radiant smile and her showing up around us to show her care
(not meddle with our affairs...)
I don't know... but some teachers just make you wanna smile.

Ms Kee! You're what makes 202 '08 fun!!

Mdm Surin
err. I can't say you're a fabulous teacher,
but I think your stories are funny. Like to thank you for making biology lessons something to look forward to~
Am I contradicting myself?

even though I know some people think you are mundane
but I feel that at times, you really make me wanna smile~
(laugh i meant)

Your interesting style of fashion and your used-to-be extreme hardworking when you were a teenager inspires me to work hard and be an inspiration to many others! (THIS LINE I'M NOT KIDDING)

Happy Teachers' Day!

And i love the way your motherly smile and laughs comfort me.
I don't know why, but looking at your smile makes me think of my mum, who's at home.
maybe it's your stories make me think how great mothers are~
Am i tearing? Okay, no.

Mr Ling
but i just don't understand why so many people dislike you.

like a few other teachers, you know a lot about math and you teach and explain well,
but the class is always rowdy when you're holding lessons.

nevertheless, your stupid jokes always make me laugh =)

jiayou! and hope more people will cheer for you when your face appears on the screen during teachers' day! =P

Ms Wong (Sec 1)

haish. gone were the days when she would scold us and look at us with those strict eyes,
scanning the classroom for anyone who does not have their green (geography mah...) file.

if everyone had a geography teacher were like her, oh.. goodness gracious.
I think global warming might stop overnight... haha jk.
but she's really the best teacher. Don't be mistaken by her strict appearance, when u see her laugh at a joke (must be really really funny though), it brightens your day =)

Mr A-Drain Tan
Okay, maybe you weren't so good at teaching geography
but you're good at going off-topic (which i like)
your ridiculous jokes make me laugh
and your famous heck-care attitude (in band, hahahaha)
are your trademarks. =P

Yes, after so many times of standing next to you and even shaking your hand
you still don't know me >.< zzz
bleh. whatever =]

but yep, I wish I were you.
Travel to so many countries and know sooooo much about cars?
I think you're one lucky man. =)

PS. I Couldn't help but to laugh histerically at the picture of you as a young boy during the concert..

*piang eh. write so long only cover so few teachers... zz.*

Ms Chian
Heh, you are one interesting teacher =)
One moment you can talk softly and make the guys fall in love with you
and the next moment you'll shout like a crazy person (not because you are angry)
but simply because... you like it? hahaha!!

Yes, best chemistry teacher so far. (Mdm Tan is second)
Made us memorise so many chemical formulae and stuff.
However, I feel that they proved to be useful.
I'm learning sooooo many things we encounter in my daily life thanks to you.
eg. When you vomit, hydrochloric acid from your stomach might be regurgitated
so it's good if you brush your teeth cos the calcium carbonate neutralises the acid??
something like that. nvm, forget it.

Ms Goh
Yeppp. Very very very good physics teacher.
You seems to know everything about the subject like Ms Kee.
well, but I don't know a lot about you
so far so good =)

Yes, must remember to purple file righttt????

Ms Mah
I'm always very amazed by your super duper use of vocab words
You make English look as if it's an easy subject (but it always turns out horrible...)
you've taught us well for 1/2 year (but you can't seem to be able to control the class...)

yepp, 202's shared loads of memorable times with you, Ms Mah~
including your ever-changing hairstyle (during the last few months of your lessons)
Your great knowledge of political affairs etc and you general knowledge is WTH!!!

You'll always be etched in our memories!!


My all-time fav =)
sorry i didnt visit you today, but i heard that the security didn't allow alumni to join anyway..

Form teacher of 6 Ruby '06!

Yes, long gone were the days of Song Ken imitating ang-mohs and indians.
6 Ruby was the time of my life.
Carefree days, (haha, PSLE was a bliss.)
going home with william and ronghua after school,
ponning chinese studies club to go jalan jalan around the school
and watching kang ming amuse me...

Ms Kho was like a motherly figure to us
though i was like a small small figure during my P6 days
(cos i was from 5 Sapphire)
the class 'knew about' me, cos there were 2 Joys in class

sianzz. i got a lot of things I want to say but i just don't recall...


same to Mrs Loo, now the VP of Keming. I'm running out of time so I can't write about you...

and finally!!!!!!

Mr B. Tan
Band life would be meaningless without you...
You stupid jokes, kinda horrible Chinese, your warm smile which always make the rest of the band smile.. etc~ too many to name =P

I really hope the band will not dissapoint you and we will strive to achieve our best and get a gold, hopefully for syf next year. BAND ROCKS, no one can deny this! hahahaha

Haha ^^ same thing... I'm got a lot to say about you but i just can't seem to recall them... >.<


okay la.. i've writting a lot of stuff about teachers! I hope they all have an enjoyable and meaningful teachers' day this year!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

just back from band.

today, got a piece of bad news and a piece of good news.

bad news is that jing yi will join alto sax if she decides to remain in band.
good news is still jing yi will join alto sax if she decides to remain in band.
today. quite enjoyable. (everyday seems enjoyable nowadays.. maybe cos aft CT)
had a whole enjoyable morning playing those kiddy but FUN games.

then lunch. i ordered from the chinese rice stall. wah piang.
first time i food from the canteen tastes so nice. until huiqi ran to me n told me a piece of bad/good news. nvm what the news is.....

ok. band prac. first time i'm feeling a bit gooood ever since national day performance ended.. =P

and yay! got section outing finally!!!!

then saxophone, flute n tuba tio punishment. thanks to jia min, yu wei and zi chao. haish.
aiya but expected lah. i always see them using phone anyway...
but when when donna say yuwei,jiamin and zi chao tt time i saw jiamin's face suddenly change...
i thought she was gonna cry leh... scare me...
plus our punishment was to run, but she couldnt run.. so i think all the more she felt bad...

*was using phone just before yuwei*
jiamin     wah, she use her phone nothing happen leh
me          u try using yours lah. see what will happen.
               most probably u'll be pumped by me.
jiamin    *give me =.= face*

end up i run.
haish. this is what u call 天网恢恢疏而不漏

lol.. i realise running with ur PE and uniform on, and right after eating a biscuit is tough. or maybe cos i suck at sports anyway... look at the flabby skin around me D;

tied up my fringe today. when i first came to school yiting n wanxin say i look a lot nicer. then jolene said, "wahh~ (not WAHH!!?!!?) what did u do to your hair? *smiles*"

one more day to holiday xD

Monday, August 25, 2008

today's a great day >.0

lit. we had to present our lit projects, which was choosing a character from oliver twist and tweaking a song's lyrics to the character.

hahs; we discussed the thing online, which explains why our pitching was so horrible ^^
but mdm junaidah said it was good cos the tone matched that of dodgers ;D

yessssh! yeshhhh! yeeeesh! yyyyyesh!

my chem got 23/25~
okay lah.. stupid larhhh. i shd have gotten fulls marks one de. hmmphhh.
blehhh. bt yea, 23 is goooood. thanks to donna~~

haish haish haish.
my dad very dissapointed with the C i got for english. but adults r always lyk tt.
i got so many A he dun say, he go pick on my C. =P

EOY coming. die~ esp. english and chinese and literature. mdm junaidah said e lit we're gonna do theme. which i flung last year.

then band. wahh laoooo.
zoelyn, felix and edlind we coming late. then later i was told jia min was gonna be late also (but she wasnt in the end)

then i went off to set up 1,2,3 instruments. plus my own, 4.
and a while later, benedict was saying, "can help set up donna's instrument?" then i look at him with my some funny look i guess. and he was laughing. =.= so is 4 +1 = 5 mouthpieces.

went scurrying to the toilet. then when i came back i showed benedict my beautiful saxophone family! (saxophone mouthpiece family... b.sax is the biiggg one, tenor is the middle-sized one and then got 3 babies xD i'm lame. wadever.) he asked me to take a photo, which i did =P

ok. wahh lao. i realise i didnt bring my new reed. then when we were playing some chord thing me and jia min were totally sticking out and i was told i was biting my mouthpiece... Dx

maybe tt explains why my mouth's got a weird feeling these days.... like as if.. i'm biting it. okay, whatever...

not fair. mr ling's got remedial for us. wanxin's jumping for me (joy) cos she can be late for choir..
jolene's pulling a long face, shouting "got replace lah, need to go again!". life's like that...

went home with yiting and gang. then they walked towards mrt station. left aloysius and me. could hear the whole gang of them across the road... they super high...

gtg. haven bathe yet. i stink.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

yes, i'm blogging, yiting. =P

beware: this is a super lengthy post. cos it's equivalent to 1 whole weeks' post..

watching olympics closing ceremony just now =]
finally it's over! dont like those proud chinese and the newspaper, going "best olympic gams ever. past, present, future"

but, yea it's really great lah, i admit.

hahas; the closing ceremony's so grand... something singapore can never make. T.T

looking forward to london 2012!! then can see the men's beach volley again heees =P

went to far east plaza with yiting
i bought two pairs of shoes and she bought a pair of gladiator
then ask me take home but she left her handphone inside the bag =.=

drills. 5 sec 2s went. blehhhhh. ROD meeting cancelled. end up going home with sec 3s. really felt xtra. yesh. i know i am extra in the first place.

band. longford legend. very nice (actual song i meant). but yea, i havent started practising longford and currents, so yepp. sucked.

and when we were doing the warm ups i squeaked a lot. maybe too long didnt play liao. might be cos of my reed. got a bigg hole at the side. must go try using my new reed later.

hahax. dunno why this time my reed so fast spoilt. the previous one i used for 6 months. actually can last longer one. but someone ransacked my case and my reed chipped. turned out to aloysius. >.<

this... lasted 2 weeks?? hahax.. but must sacrifice..

ok. tmr going to play currents. so gonna die. i still cant get the fingering and rhythm after practising today. okay, i admit, i play for a short while only kay?? D:

got back most of the results. all except chemistry.

yaye; ct results not bad =) all except english... BLEHH. but anyway i still got 55cents for getting so low (thanks to a bet with wanxin.) but yea, i'd rather give her $2 than score lower =.= that C spoilt the whole result card!!

this common test was like teachers throwing marks at us. so i expected more for geog. but, yes, i should be happy...

yaye =] i got A for e lit~ i got A for e lit~. cant believe man! =P haha, thx to mdm junaida

math 82.5
chinese 70.9090909091
literature 80
history 83.333333333
physics 92
geography 73.333333
english. C5   T.T

hahax. donna rocks :} i hope my chem results is okay. thanks to her =P

haish. tmr sch again. but i dont care cos it's 1 more week to holidays!!

hope there's
section outing
band pracs
can rebond hair
CIP in library

crazy about ps3/psp and dynasty warriors after watching the movie red cliff

so nice... tony leung and takeshi really knows how to act!! and yepp, so long nvr see hu jun already =P and his role is zhao yun, one of my heroes in romance of the three kingdoms!!

hmmm. okay, so i'm not gonna get an ipod. i'll rather get a psp with a bit more money :) then with a little bit more money, get the game dynasty warriors! (or maybe talk my big bro into getting it for my bdae, heh heh heh)

and if i have 2 or 3 times more money, i'll get a PS3 ;D (impossible.)

some weird opera singers r singing at closing ceremony now >.<
after editing, jackie chan, singing now..

Monday, August 11, 2008

suddenly feel like buying iPod nano. Dx

finally finish typing chap 8 for history.

sian i think my summarising skills are deteriorate. at a faster past somemore. i practically spent 3 hours almost copying word for word. sian. dun like this year's history chapters. cos when your teacher tells u common test "only" chapter 8, they usually end up taking the same amount of pages as 3 chapters for geography. =[ at least better than geog. so many chapters.

today... monday blues. cant believe it. i set my alarm clock to ring at 10.30, woke up at 10.20, offed the alarm, went back to sleep and woke up at 2. my body's so cool. it's got an inset clock which makes sure i'll never sleep later than the time i set in my alarm clock cos i dont like being disturbed during my sleep. yet miraculously i always go back to bed after i slam down the alarm.

haish. common tests. tmr. why must the olympic games start around this time!? and bleah; china's leading. T.T

Sunday, August 10, 2008

went to west mall just now to buy dad's birthday present.

then gone crazy about watches!!

came back home... wanxin told me she left her geog book in school

ho seh. good luck, wanxin.

did a lot of research about watch brands.

swiss brands of watches seem to be rather good...

fallen in love with nautica, although they dont have a lot watches for females

my dream watch over there <------

haish. buti dont think it's available in s'pore.

i seem to like chronographs with straps that are dark coloured. so this is not the perfect one, but i cant find any other nice nice chronographs of a favorable brand online. (yes! brand is important too.) =D

haish. and wanxin just smashed my hopes.. cos i wanna go for the math n science trip to india but no way i'm going without someone i know. and she seemed like the only one who can go. her parents even asked her to go but she declined. sad.

ok. back to so-called mugging. which means having the book in front of u and surfing the net =P

gee. woke up at 9+ surprisingly.

okay. it's sunday! zomg. 1 and a half more days to common test. and all i've "studied" is 2 pathetic units for geography.

found some man tous in the fridge some days ago and since nobody's touched it, it's mine! hee hee. i popped a few into the oven. 150degrees celsius, 10 minutes. (i'm crazy, right??!) 5 minutes later, i went back to look at em.

what a nice array of colours.. the mantous were nicely lit up amidst the oven lights. zomg. is that mantou brown?! i opened the oven. okay. it's brown. it's a white-turned-brown mantou... but it tastes nice still.. as if i barbequed the mantou.

i'm crazy about the olympics... i spent my whole morning+afternoon yesterday watching it on channel 5 ^^ go go usa! keep up the medal count! haha i support all the european countries+usa+singapore!

but i havent seen any singapore matches yet =(

friday was super high.. during the concert we were cheering for any band members who went up to get a prize. and the service awards also. but the ian choi so hou lian pi go and ask donna to cheer louder =.=

then i spent the rest of my days at dad's office again. boring.

yar, i think yiting's a bit (and i emphasize, A BIT) right that i'm telling my mum too much stuff. but it's a good thing wad. my mum's closest to me. she's like my sister even though we're 30+ years apart =) i told my mum my anna nucci flats were too small and she gave them away (wtfish). and i had to wear the disgustingly disgusting pair of giovana heels on friday. arg. forget it. going to far east to buy them with yiting after common tests =)

just finished the last mantou.

sheesh. shall go back to unit 13 of geog.

Monday, August 4, 2008

haish. i'm tired... and full at the same time. ok gonna be a lengthy post.

farlala.. maths test postphoned. e lit n math teacher didnt come; acc teacher came 30min late. yayes!

haha =) tied scorpian to school today ;D

had this SPCA talk for CEP. omg!!! the bulldog with that disgusting skin is so pitiful.. no way i'm gonna let furgie end up lyk tt man. o0

the spokeswoman brought a kitten also!! so kwutte!!! she took it to the teachers.. and i cant help noticing mr a tan fighting to grab the little kitty and JT was like.. hahahar.. he was at the end of the line of teachers then he faster go sit next to ms kee, who was next to cuddle the kitten.. and the 2/1 students were laughing =) haha

and ms kee was stroking the litten when JT was carrying it!! lol; okay.. JT and ms kee looked a bit like a couple =.=

then went for band. had ndp rehearsal.. lolz zoelyn and donna weren't there yet so it was up to felix and meee! lolz.. haha.. then i shoo-ed felix off to get the benches and i screwed up the whole saxo section. great. forgot to take stands and scores for donna, zoelyn and si yang. ok.. then when the band started downstairs felix, zoelyn and i were still hunting for stands and scores..

i seriously hope i wun become the sl next year. cos the whole section might crumble. >.<

haish. so we went down finally and mr tan arrived. wtfish. edmund ng was telling trombones n trumpets to tongue properly cos all he heard was 'a lump' and he commented on the bass drummer also. and b lim kept asking us to play slower. and poor kiat tong kena scolded by mr tan.. cos b lim keep asking mr tan to slow down.

hellooo? when mr tan arranged the piece he wanted it to be lively and active. not singable. okay. wadever.. but anyways if we're ever going to play that piece somewhere else besides ndp, we're gonna do it just the way mr tan wants. xD

wtfish lor. nanhua teachers really know how to make guests feel welcomed when they don't even treat fellow instructors and conductors with respect. fancy making mr tan look as if he's teaching our band crap when they dont know what's happening. okay. even benedict couldnt stand it. (like who could?)

take ms yeo for example. loves talking about the bad things about other people and bragging about the choir as if it were the best in the world. not that our choir was bad, but she should really learn to be humble. furthermore, the choir doesnt belong to her.

sheesh. band ended sort of early today. like 30min earlier? hahax. didnt bring mi band badge today. had to run 3 rather small rounds. then went to canteen and saw yiting laughing away (dint bring hers too). oh. wadeva.

okay, ndp rehearsal wasnt that bad =) at least mr tan didnt get angry. ^^ hmm. haha. it's like his every little actions really mean quite a lot to us (or at least, me).   =.=

gee. wonder if we're wearing band u or t (lols!) on friday.

then sayhua gave me a lift back home. thks a lot! as usual we would chat about stuff.. think after common tests mr tan's gonna go back to those mood swings cos we would be playing currents and longford legend. in which i totally dont understand the score.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

haish. mi bro was watching L change the world, so i went to watch also!! so nice... but not the last part cos it didnt show whether L died or not.

maybe they wanted to make another movie, and if L died, i think no more story.. lolx

slept at 2am last night morning. realise that that time, i couldnt keep my eyes open not becos i drank a whole bottle of bacardi breezer myself, but cos i stayed up too late.

haha but i rmb tt time i was with my cousin playing little fighter.. and i was still wide awake at 3 am ^^

finally know how to tie scorpian (french braid) myself!! at first i tried dutch braids (google it if u dont understand), which was easy peasy cos everytime i tie plaits it's the 'not normal way other people tie'. actually it's the same, but instead of crossing the bundle of hair at the side to the middle, u cross the hair in the middle to the side for the first step.sounds confusing, but it's not...

well. think i really really really suck at piano. the score's like so darn easy but yet i just cant coordinate both hands to work together. and practising dosent seem to help too, from what i see now...

didn't realise that it's 1 already.. cos i woke up at 11am.. darn. ok think i'll practise my saxo from 3-4 and 5-6. then piano is 2-3, 4-5. after dinner leave for studies. but hopefully we're not going shopping or what..

hmmph. i thought the test weeks was over, then now need to wait for common tests, but what the fish!! the test week is starting all over again next week. ;(

think i'm going to try making eggs benedict for breakfast tmr. scared my hollandaise sauce will taste disgusting... looks kinda difficult to make the sauce.

Friday, August 1, 2008

haish. today was rather fun.

art was.. what the fish.. had to do this affandi-ism thing. painted ourselves and then used crazy colours to paint the whole face. the guys went crazy.. their face was like.. black, brown, grey, yellow, green + blue. lolx

shiok. mdm leong wasnt here, so was mdm junaidah. not bad! heees =)

then there was drills. yitinG and I went to change.. eek. i felt weird wearing the band tee, but i soon got used to it when i got down to the canteen. didnt do much today, except pt, which was just running 2.4 as a squad.

lol i didnt stop and walk leh!! except for a few super short distances like errr. 1 metre? which was like 1 step.. and the sec 2s were madd.. we were singing school song, then national anthem! hahax so weird. aiya only a few ppl sing mah, so it was out of tune and rather soft, not to mention comical.

then we were dismissed. was shooting mr ballie into the netball hoop, which i realise that shooting with one hand is much, much better than with two. then we played captain's ball.. and we were thrashed again, but weisiang & co. wadever.

took say hua's dad's car home =) together with her fren rachel. she's a nice person =]

dunno what possessed me, but i took my shower immediately after i went home!! haha, rare sight. my mum was pleased =)

then i went to play e piano. wanxin lent we some scores, including dang ni gu dan ni hui xiang qi shei. hhaas, couldnt get it played properly except for the very very very first part which was super easy. actually i'm supposed to be practising mi piano de, but mi bro want watch movie. sobs.

haish. shall continue 2 hours l8tr when he finishes the movie. hmm. tmr shall be my saxo-practising day. i'm not gonna carry that 宝贝 of mine home just to 摆美... and if got time can prac piano. then sunday shall be my math test preparation day.

i cant help noticing that today in school my hairstayed in their positions for the whole day, without sticking out a lot, even after PE n PT!! hahax!! i'm so glad.. guess something possessed my hair too..

yes! speaking of which, i so what the fish today... i kept 自夸-ing myself today.. kena influenced by stanley liao... bad sign.. must change.

ok. need to find some way to entertain myself now.. tata..