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nanhua high school
102 '07
202 '08
302 '09
403 '10
11SH11 '11'12

71 words

Typing Test


Selmer Mark III Model 62 Alto
Gemeinhardt Model 3SH Intermediate Flute

2013: all these kinda seem redundant, guess we all have different likes and hobbies and perspectives now.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

haish.. ms mah's left us.. sobbs.


assembly was nice.. esp the part where 210 played the drama thing about romeo n juliet. had math. almost fell asleep.

english. a relief teacher went through some worksheets.

then we had the math exam. lol!! at first when the thing started there was peace and calmness. then the clarinets came to like right next to our classroom and started playing. the whole class started making noises like "aiiy...", and "haizzz". but we went back to concentrating (in which we cant). then the stanley (as usual,) said "wah.. zao sia until lyk tt. ok u listen ah.." then this horrible squeak came out. and the whole class was roaring with laughter...

i felt embarrassed okay?

ya and i went to band after that.. saw elena coming during sectionals.. yea, she heard it too. and she was taking a test too.

yea, nevertheless, saxophonists don't squeak like that. lols unless u really are horrible or you're a newbie. dont wanna say.


yesterday was a short day. went for indi prac cos e band room was open. got told off by ian cos he was irritated by the sounds. and he said the impression we gave them is that we are negliecting our studies cos mi seniors were playing during the morning and recess. okay, it was a bit disrupting but, hey?! do you realise that they've made this band progress? better than u, frigging pigg.

so we stopped playing and i joined the sec 3s for a little afternoon tea. then they were chatting about their stuff... felt extra cos 1. i dunno who they were refering to  2. i'm a sec 2. but yea, haha at least they didnt like shake me off. =)

oh. wadever. got art tmr. sianx doing painting =.=

and drills. o.0 gonna bring oreo and some biscuits. i dun feel like playing netball. maybe shd suggest captain's ball? see how first lah.

been thinking about the Lord...it's been how many decades since i went to church... i kinda feel ashamed when people ask me what's my religion and i tell them i'm a christian. I'm getting further and further away from God... and i still don't know how to spell hallelujah ( i copied this) lol; i always wonder why there's a 'j' there.

till then.

Hallelujah. (didnt copy this) means Glory to the Lord, btw.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

woot. back home =)

it's mi big bro's bday today! yayes!

haha my dad bought him a monitor and we got him a card and signed on it.

ok. i noe i didnt get him anything.. but just now i last minute went to west mall to get some chocolates for him. wanted to get him a bax of vanhoutten chocs. and the pack of 16 dove amecelli choc toos. and the box of kit kats. and also the old black dark choc. then i opened my wallet. ok. i'm getting him 3 kinder buenos. =.=

ok. dont have time for the rest.. wanted to talk about me putting face cleanser on my hair my mistake just now. ok need to go eat liao. byees ^^

haha i'm at the com lab now..
we've finished our vj project finally!
weird but mr a tan is in the com lab now

my group got bored and we've started searching for pics at gle image search..
fine. they've got a funny lady called joy wong, bernedette lim's a type of flower

lolzz! back to searching for more people..

Sunday, July 27, 2008

missed out a point.

our jazz quartet's called HMMM

fabulous name =) muahahas

H-Humongous _____ (havent decided) drum set

M-Muddlehead Si Qi (piano)

M-Monstrous Joy (sax)

M-Mushroom Yiting (bagpipes. l0l, or drumset.. then H will play bass)

hate sundays. i think everyone knows why...

spent most of the time chionging pw for yenwei...

then chat on msn with si qi n yiting the whole time. i was checking out scores for pink panther. found a score for 5 saxes n triangle n drumset, so i suggested to si qi n yiting that we can play the piece together =)

i happened to see some scores for sax quartets, so i asked si qi what's tt and checked out wikipedia

then we were talking about forming a jazz quartet (haha) with me playing the saxophone, si qi playing the piano, yiting play the.. err.. bagpipe and someone else playing the drum set. yes, it's hilarious..

then i started checking out on some us president videos (for no reason) such as, bill clinton playing the saxophone, which was really cool cos those musicians could just join him without knowing what he's gonna play... everyone just played without knowing what in the world the others were playing and wow. it sounded not too bad!

there was this video on president bush conducting the marine band (which was SO cool, if only our band was like that.. cos their marching!! and playing!! haish..) and some really funny videos on bush.

of course, i went to this funny website which had quite a few videos on the u.s. politics. it's jibjab.com but make sure you go to the 'originals' instead of the other videos cos the rest are not that nice.

don't know why, but i'm suddenly very enthusiastic about eggs benedict. came across this term in the book undomestic goddess, courtesy to hydrochloric acid ;D (great book. check it out at the library or at popular. they're selling a few selected books including this at around 20bucks, buy 1 get 1 free).

i thought it was some very.. very high-class and super difficult thing to cook, but all it contains is poached eggs (which means cracking an egg and dropping it into hot water), ham/bacon, english muffins and hollandaise sauce. (okay, the sauce looks difficult to make, but i think there's the really-made one in supermarkets). i was scouting for the recipe and i actually saw this word called 'benediction'. haha... i was staring into the screen for like 10 seconds? hahars.. anyway, gonna try cooking that for breakfast when i'm free =)

sheesh. school again tmr. wanxin's coming back! finally...

just had 'dinner'... slice of bread+ham and a bit of potato. didn't go down for dinner with the rest of my family cos i was just sick of eating zi cha for 7 days a week. =.=

my second bro's going back to his camp... rushing back, to be exact. NS-men... the usual ;)

Friday, July 25, 2008

haha.. today's S0 my day.

first, i got rather good results. (not really. thought i would get much worse...) for geog n e lit. but i think i got tt high for e lit cos ms chan was super duper lenient...

ok.. after that was drills (yay!) it was drizzling so benedict told me n yiting to go skygarden.. but later donna told us to go linkway... lols;

so i was chosen to be the timer.. (and the first, sadly..) lol. after the water break i stood at the far left, where most sec ones were. think the band did great except for some sec ones.. perhaps they still weren't tt enthu YET cos when the majors shouted "is that clear" i couldn't really hear the sec 1s. jy!! u guys can do it man!!

then we had a little meeting on the band camp!! woot!!! looking forward to it!! 

after tt yeshh! we went to play netball. trumpets vs non-trumpets. and guess who won. trumpets.. thx to weisiang who was great at shooting. oh wadever.

i'm covered in sweat now.. and not to mention my stomach's making some weird noises...

haish. at least i've cooled down from yesterday's enthusiasm. thanks to losing the netball match. >.<

fine i admit i'm a sore loser. i've never been good at sports anyway. except for being the captain at captain's ball

chatting with yiting again... miiao.


err hem. so has anyone noticed that my name is still spelt wrongly in the band blog???

Thursday, July 24, 2008

wahhh i super high today!!

yea. cannot blame me. imagine spending a whole day in school with bandmates. how can one not go high???

haha just came back from band. which means i'm still in my band u skirt + band tee with the long sleeves sticking out ^^ "not hot meh?" no la.. when u're in band clothes they make you 凉爽自在... ok i'm so.. wadever.

gosh.. benedict's speech was so motivational. maybe tt's when i got high with zoelyn.. clapping like mad. and screaming when everyone was looking at us.

i'm kinda touched by the major's words... ohhh... cant help noticing someone today >.<

the whole thing. okay so i got out of class at 9.30, then went to band room, change and go to the linkway thing at the hall. then we played for the finales~ got a bit of mistakes here and there, but was still fun.. esp during e upper sec assembly.. when everyone was shouting 'clarkson!!' haha... interesting. that's how the band works la; anyway.

then returned to class at 1.30 all thanks to mrs lim delaying us (not so bad afterall) to take a photo. haha and i was messing around with felicia again... *smirks*

yes. the 'best' part. missing my vocab test. ok i'm so not happy at all. i repeat. not happy at all. why? cos while the class had a chance to be fooling around and sharing answers, i most probably have to take the test alone. or maybe with HCL. which means we would not have a chance to be comparing answers b4 we submit. this is SO not fair.

hahaha.. and then we went back to band again!! went for sectionals. i must admit, sectionals was rather fun, trying to savage papers flying around.. i'm like running like crazy when the juniors and felix are laughing and zoelyn's screaming. ok. =.=

then we got our NEW BAND TEE!!! YAYeeeeeeee!!! it's like so cool!! me n sayhua LOVE it!! it's just perfect (except for the part that my shirt's a bit small.) i'm still wearing it.. 不舍得 part with it...

ok. so when the fabulous day was about to come to a stop... i forgot to stay back for some blazer checking thing.. in case the guys took the girls' blazers or the girls took the guy's blazers. lol and guess what, benedict's been wearing the blazer of the wrong sex for how long? i dunno... (as i said, i forgot to go. it was si qi who told me this). and i think the committee were having meeting or smthing. and oops.. i didnt go too.. sry.. =[

haha the ex band majors came to distribute the tees. weird, but when sayhua n i were about to leave jing wei said 'hi' and 'bye' three times to me. >.<

yea, so sayhua n i talked about all sorts of stuff.. including which guys in band we like.. then yea, we practically listed out all the guys (sec 3 n 2)... erm not the sec 1s la.. cos yea.. we're not that familiar with them and furthermore.. it's a bit weird for girls to be going crazy about a guy younger than em... haha (no offense..)

yea and we were going crazy, eccentric, bananas, apples, oranges and not to mention pears about 2 guys especially!! not going to name them, but.. haha =)

haish.. time to cool down arldy.. being hyper is tiring too >.>

till now, tata!

OH YA. did anyone notice my name is spelt wrongly in the band blog?? it says Joy Wong Shu Yun. oh wadever.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
long time no blog >.0

woah interesting.. it's was pt actually la..
i dragged yiting there even though she didnt actually wanted to go.
haha >.0 too bad u're in the same class as me.. yiting!
well it was rather fun except for the 90-degree leg lift thing
wasnt feeling anything around my abs, only my thighs..
but saturday... omg
i wanted to sneeze but yea, didnt have the energy to sneeze
cos my tummy was aching when i sneezed...
tired... at least i burnt some calories...
during pe we don't really do anything, so, yeah.
but haha.. i went home and ate kinder bueno immediately
so, what's the diff?
haha! but pt was fun if not for the aching muscles.

wah piang got 3 tests de lor
but chem was postphoned. AGAIN
haix.. i'm supposed to be happy..
but i'd rather get over with it asap...
chinese test was kinda chicken feet cos i stayed up until like 12 to give myself ting xie
maths... omg. 4 questions only but...
q1. i dunno whether my answer is correct or not..
q2. got the step correct i think, but final answer wrong.
(i chose the positive answer...)
q4. ok. at least i got a question i got a little little bit of confidence
but i think i wont get the full marks cus my curved graft was like ??!@#$@

ok lor. maths test all 4 questions koyak
went home.. watched drama. winter sonata.. can't believe it right??! hahaa..
i was chatting with donna on msn..
greatest senior ever!>
told her i suck at e lit
and she gave a many words of encouragement~
haha! thx a lot!
(ok fine. i admit i didn't really study much for history)

hist test. shucks. blew my source-based.
learnt this matrix thing for maths (LOL!)
then went to west mall with mum...
bought stuff.. including a correction tape
(arg. history paper without correction tape is bad)
and asience shampoo (haha) cos yan ting say the shampoo's not bad

so i wanted to try >.!

speaking of which, i hope yanting's reading this

sorry i was mean to u last year...

it's been quite some time but i haven't got over it


mad about k-dramas these days...


specifically, out-of-date kdramas... lol

really wanna visit korea someday... especially during dec cos it'll be snowing

(all thanks to winter sonata)
