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nanhua high school
102 '07
202 '08
302 '09
403 '10
11SH11 '11'12

71 words

Typing Test


Selmer Mark III Model 62 Alto
Gemeinhardt Model 3SH Intermediate Flute

2013: all these kinda seem redundant, guess we all have different likes and hobbies and perspectives now.

Monday, June 16, 2008
life is getting meaningless for me these days...
every morning i wake up and start my daily routine
of gaming or doing a little bit of homework
it's relaxing, not having to go to school
but i just wonder
is it worth it?
i'm spending 1 month of my life on practically nothing
now i'm struggling with homework
i can predict what's gonna happen in the next few days
i'll be stuck at home, rushing that ****ed up maths worksheet

couldn't get to sleep last night.
i slept at 12, woke up at 2
and i didnt sleep from then onwards
spent all my time on the sofa thinking about all sorts of things
my future; my life
it's scary... wondering what u might land up in
perhaps i'm a scholar in oxford?
unlikely. but it's my dream...
some politician in this tiny red dot?
eek. mou mou ren will crush me.
a doctor?
that would be nice...
or maybe a housewife looking after a bunch of kids.
no way man.
i like earning money.. no way i'm gonna spend my life stuck at home

hate school; hate homework
the only thing that keeps me going are friends in school
and band pracs...

Friday, June 13, 2008
i just wonder if this is me.
it just seems that i am unable to fulfil my responsibilities
sometimes i think i'm a failure.
what can i do to change?
i'm just so frustrated
i'm determined.
but things just dont go the way i want them to be

did nothing today
except chopping carrots, toasting pizza, removing prawn skin (includes getting the black stuff out of the flesh), slicing mushroom, mashing bah chor, the prawn, carrot, mushroom, jew's ear, water chestnut, dried shrimps, flour, eggs etc etc together and mixing it up...
and of course wrapping them together
and i did everything in a little less that 4 hours.
(i woke up at 10, started at 11, ended at 3...)
quite an acomplishment
urgg.. my hands smell like !@#$%^&*
poor keyboard

forget it. it'll get over with it.
sobbs. i still have a whole bloody lot of hw
and i wonder when i'm gonna have time to practise the sax
i'm a bit sot recently... getting crazy about buying a new sax for myself
i want selmer... but the cheapest costs 6k+
oh ya saw an advertisement today
yamaha selling YAS23 for 1.35k
damn cheap
but i think better not buy. even the school saxophone is YAS62 i think.
that must be for amateurs..

a bit crazy about michael jackson also..
esp the song we are the world
cos it features a lot of singers
bob dylan (who's so cute when he was younger.. obviously not now...)
and huey lewis who's got an amazing voice (when the song was recorded. now, i'm not sure)
check it out...

hate june holidays
no la
i love the first 2 weeks.
hate the last 2 weeks
and i still have 3 history learning logs
the math worksheet, the essay and chinese book reviews...
i think i still have other hw. just that i've forgotten or didnt take down.
hope i didn't miss any.

arg. when the hell am i ever going to get 6k?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
haha =)
there was band prac today for members performing for racial harmony
i had to get the saxophone there myself by bus cos no one fetch me :,(

worse, it started raining heavily...
i managed to cross the road without wetting my saxophone
then i made my way to the hdb flats to take shelter..
meanwhile smsing si qi...
i wanted to take a cab.. but couldnt get one
then when i walked into the road i saw like SOOOO MANY taxis....
darn... why none of them will turn out to the road one!?
so i thought i'll just walk to school myself, cos it's like quite near...
but yea, actually it wasn't that near
cos it was still raining and i was carrying my saxo!! so heavy...
i was hugging my sax, while my bag was getting drenched...
of cos mah.. saxo more impt than a bagful of HOMEWORK and scores...

ok so i managed to get to school with the cover a little little bit wet...
but the inside still dry ^^
i was the only alto player cos yea, zoelyn's lips still not okay
and donna went up to tenor while felix went to bari
we practised heal the world by michael jackson
*so nice~*
and josh groban songs...
*SO SUPER NICE (except for my solo part)*
mr tan started at aloysius' solo part...
and i had to play with him, it's like only got me and the clarinet
for the harmony part...
and yea, i think my sound was sticking out cos my insturment's louder than all the clarinets...
but yea; thank goodness got zoelyn and donna counting for me =P

then mr tan kept stopping when we just reach the solo part
i'm like super nervous already then he kept stopping there...
made me even more nervous
and esp when he stopped to teach us something..
i was like SUPER DUPER nervous after he stopped...
and i was trembling from head to toes...
i dont really care if my legs were trembling...
finally he came to my part..
and i just played it..
i think i sounded without feelings
but i tried my best already
wonder when i'm gonna play as well as jiahao! = [
urgg.. i don't know...
but surprisingly i liked it
after my solo i think i wanted to play again
haha =P solos are scary but fun ^^

i don't know...
most probably zoelyn's gonna play the solo part when her lips heal
and yea.. xian mu her
don't know when her lips are gonna get okay...

yea so we cleaned up the band room
mopped it, cleared the scores etc..
messy!! and i didnt realise my dad was waiting at the car porch for quite some time...
so i ran down barefooted (haha)
and i found out that my dad's been waiting for like... very long =(
and he bought chicken rice and char kuay teow
and i finished the whole pack haha =)

ok =)
back to mugging.. and finishing that huge pile of u-know-what on my table...

Sunday, June 8, 2008
woah... i went for e nj band concert yesterday!
it's totally cool!!

first i met up with fiona, sinnee, jerome, hui ying and huiying's fren at jec...
then i watched them have dinner >.<
then we took the EW line cos we had too much time to spend...
went a big round around singapore.
and the fee was only 50cts. cant believe it.
on the mrt, we were talking about some guys stuff and the guy beside us kept staring at us...
lol... so we reached the place kinda early
and i waited for zoelyn to come and get my ticket
really wanna thank fiona, sinnee and jerome for waiting with me! thank you guys =P
the concert was really enjoyable on the whole
esp. the jia hao solos~ omg... saxophones rawks!!!
wanna try the sop saxophone...
think it's super cool
(for me i think... felix, stick to baritone pls. haha =p)
i love love love the saxophone ensemble a lot!!
think it's the best part!!!!!!
and i believe i can fly also~ cos jh solo mah...
i wonder how in the world did he play like tt...
if only i could play half as well as he did...
and the play was really the best man!
the way they managed to combine songs with the play
awww~ loved it! ohh..

if only i could have my own sax...
(everytime after a concert i say this)
esp soprano sax!! it's so super cool!
and if only our band can have a sop sax player
i think i'll be the first to grab the sax...
*sighss* i wanna learn how to play the piano...
although i'm really grateful that mr tan let me in without any music background
except for a pathetic grade 1 theory which i have completed forgotten...
i love music... it's like something necessary in my life
though i seldom listen to those popular songs...
i think i still prefer classics. the foundation of music ^^

with that, i end my post... happie holidays (not for me, though)
really hope we can find our joys in life =]

rondo alla turca...... awww. it's ringing in my ear again~
wonder if they have the saxophone version?
if anyone gives me the score for it i think it'll be the best gift in life~