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nanhua high school
102 '07
202 '08
302 '09
403 '10
11SH11 '11'12

71 words

Typing Test


Selmer Mark III Model 62 Alto
Gemeinhardt Model 3SH Intermediate Flute

2013: all these kinda seem redundant, guess we all have different likes and hobbies and perspectives now.

Monday, May 19, 2008
went to sim lim square yesterday
cos my grandparents live somewhere there
my mum bought some herbs and sea cucumber (oh yea~)
and dad bought this printer cum fax machine cum scanner cum photocopier
and a new monitor for my com (the old one's those damn big and fat type)
and not to mention a nokia 5610 for me ^^

dad got his facts wrong...
he said nokia's founded in sweden..
actual fact is finland >.<>nokia
all end with 'a'

i'm really into hong kong dramas these days!!!
omg!! in love with bosco and myolie...
really very xian mu maggie cos she can speak cantonese..
and i'm attempting to learn cantonese by watch as many dramas as i can afford during the june holidays ($$ and time)
my dad so pro... he can speak cantonese, hakka and hokkien...
and i realised my mum's not too bad at cantonese.. not like me =.=
she says that some of her colleagues speak cantonese all day long
so she picked up some ^^
and all i noe is "m zi dou" and "mo man tai"

should take maggie as my master! =P
okay... back to watching ze man nai nai 2
think i wasted (not really!!) my whole weekend watching the whole thing...
i watch until episode 13 already~ in 2 days =)
7 more episodes...

think i'll do my art later~

Saturday, May 10, 2008
haha.. it's been quite a long time since i blogged.
=.= well... it's a boring weekend morning
ate a pizza for breakfast/lunch
those 2-in-1 pack of pizzas u buy at fairprice and toast it up to eat >.<

my mum found my bro's PE shirt.
it's a bit big.. but it's really classical and definitely a lot better than the new one..
not to mention nicer..

really find some people with attitude probs.
**** is a stuck-up idiot who simply likes to pick up a quarrel for nothing.
first he sees me toasting a pizza and gets me to toast the other one.
when i ask him to toast himself and tell him that that bloody piece of pizza costs $2.50
(it's not bloody at all. in fact it's fragrant and delicious. it's bloody cos he ate it)
he'll give me that face as if to say i'm a selfish asshole
and i knew if i said anything he'll start crapping around
and i'll end up writing his name all over the toilet and the four-letter-word beside it.
(i clean it up before i leave the toilet...)

then my mum asked him to help fix the leaking pipe
and he starts shouting at her and scolding profanities at her
all because she said 'help me fix the leaking pipe'
please la. he didn't say he don't know how to fix it.
he said that he is refusing to fix it
because he claims tt he never gets a thank you for helping my parents
and gets scolded when he messes things up.
fark u. when was the last time u helped my parents??
let me think. when u were in secondary sch and u offered to help mum pick orange that rolled to the ground.
u never help them and expect to be helped.
i really pity your girlfriend. can't understand how she stands u
if i were his gf i wouldn't have left him a long long time ago.
quarreling on alternate days, waiting to be fed, getting $400 allowance per month
(he gets the most money but he does the least. at least he helps dad and gets lesser $)
i better stop myself now. if i continue i think i'll be typing a history textbook out.

sometimes i really wish lower sec. will be having mid-years.
it's better than having a whole lot of class tests and homework.
i've got literature, art, maths, el, chem. most of which on tuesday.


Saturday, May 3, 2008
finally blogged again >.<
this blog is dead... except for sayhua (thx!!) reading..

sobbs.. i woke up at 10+ and time seemed to fly really quickly..
then i went to library with ronghua n kangjie for CIP
hahax i forgot to go online to book and i did it yesterday...
and it's like now, i completed liao but yet the thing haven't confirmed..
sian... the trolley is like....... cannot move straight one.
i had difficulties keeping it to left
cos it just kept moving to the right by itself..
then my back went 'cluck'...

so me n ronghua went to buy chocolates
and we took the mrt home...
then we walked home...
and i played badminton with ronghua until 8pm...
lolx at first we shared the court with two indians...
realised i suck at doubles...
but when they left *finally..*
then i realised i could smack really hard >.<
but i couldnt return the shuttlecock if ronghua smacked that hard la...
so thank god he gave way to me...
gentleman but he tried throwing the shuttlecocks at my face when we had a break
so gentleman
hahax jkjk

i'm kinda fed up with napfa
shuttlerun SUCKS
0.02seconds and i can get a gold..... arg.

i borrowed 2 books today...
one on cookies and the other on chocolates...
hahax... i'm getting a bit sot about what i'm gonna be when i grow up.
a forensic scientist?
whatever it is, i hope i can earn lots of money...
my goal is to be able to buy a private housing for mum n dad
then dad'll be able to have his own ferrari
mum can have a whole backyard full of plants...
and i'll have a huge private kitchen to myself...
better not think too much...

i'm mad about getting into oxford these days.
but i think really i'm thinking too much.
if i'm really that pro, i think i'll be buried under a book rite now, instead of blogging...
sian.. paul ling giving test next tues... darn.. >.<
eh... postponed to another week!!! yay!!!!
on his blog say one... lolx