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nanhua high school
102 '07
202 '08
302 '09
403 '10
11SH11 '11'12

71 words

Typing Test


Selmer Mark III Model 62 Alto
Gemeinhardt Model 3SH Intermediate Flute

2013: all these kinda seem redundant, guess we all have different likes and hobbies and perspectives now.

Monday, April 28, 2008
i'm so darn frustrated i decided to post something.
alright. so apparently i almost freaked out trying to revise geog.
and i havent started chem.
and art. omg. curse her.
i've got like 2 pieces of the walks of life. not shaded properly.
and i desperately need one more.

and what's worst. i lost my pw for acelearning.
what's worse than tt??????
omg. i've emailed the acelearning support grp
but obviously i need to wait until at least tmr.
and i cant guarantee myself they'll reply by tmr.
what if their support grp is like.. nobody bother reading emails??
i hope not. gonna ask mr ling tmr... i think i'll have to call em up
te bloody maths thing is due TMR!!
how the hell am i gonna get my pw...
i've been like typing all sorts of passwords..
none worked. sobbs.
this'll teach me never ever to come up wif some fancy pw that i can't rmb...

lack of $$...
need money to buy hoodies, leggings etc...
and get my hair fixed.
and spectacles done...

i'm so concerned abt my accelearning...
it's considered in mid year de marks...
if i get zero i think i'm doomed...
and i think the percentage of this thing shd be quite high...
if not i don't think the maths dept will bother re-opening this thing...


think i better call the acelearning helpline tmr.

Thursday, April 24, 2008
haix... i'm getting mad about porsche these days
it's been my fav brand of car since i was in p4
i fell in love with it cos my dad used to take my to his workplace in leng kee road where you have tons of car showrooms
and his workplace is just a stone's throw from the porsche showroom
and omg!! i fell in love with the porsche cars...
i like the carrera esp.
i've been dreaming about it even since... i don't really know ^.^
and especially when a. tan keeps talking about them...

actually my dad's worse.
he dreams of owning a ferrari.
when he sees on running on the road he goes crazy.
he likes those bright yellow ones especially...
says they look very sporty >.<

think i should better stop dreaming...
i think i ponder too much about the future sia..........

sobbs ;(
my porsche...

omg today's a really bad day for me.
first i got to school and during the bloody attire check ms kee caught me with my untucked shirt and socks.
then i realise i couldn't jump more than 160cm for standing broad jump most of the time
and yen wei look like she dosen't want to go for wanxin's birthday lunch tmr.
then i used up yen wei's liquid paper
and harhar... i promise to buy her a new bottle even thought she keep saying dunnid
cos i felt guilty always using hers >.< but lolx. apart from that attire check, i think i'm still okay...

so tmr we're all gonna go to the swensen's to have a lunch in celebration for wanxin's birthday i'm running low on cash these days due to excessive splurging of money mostly cds la... i bought ths timbaland cd on sports day
and i still have so many more i want to buy...
i think i'm addicted to buying cds...

i still want: Mika – Life in Cartoon Motion gonna buy today
Linkin Park – Minutes to Midnight
Ashley Simpson – Bittersweet World
KT Tunstall – Drastic Fantasic
Taylor Swift – Taylor Swift

today i walked to the bus stop myself
on the way out saw mr a. tan's citroën
really small, really cute, really blue

mr a. tan's really into motor vehicles.
he can talk non-stop about transport (mostly cars and bikes)
but obviously he's trying very hard to stop himself
i think he's got a light green scooter.
(i don't know if this is true, i saw the scooter but i didn't see him riding it)
really errrhhmm... adorable but i can't imagine him riding it...
i think he's quite rich...
travelled to so many countries and owns a really interesting car
(and maybe scooter)
i even remebered his car plate number by heart.. i know i'm lame...
but no one walk with me to the bus stop wad... so i just memorise lor..
dun tell u... later he go sue me... bleah

can't wait for tmr... we'll be released at 12 noon
this month's really bad and really good
bad: lots of ppl bdae
good: got sports day and speech day

and school's really giving us lots of projects...
actually they're okay except for the staying back part
and the group forming part...
cos we usually have 7 ppl and it's quite hard to split ourselves...
tmr there's letter writing test...
hate it. english is the worst.
project+lots of small small tests.
dun really like ms mah cos she can't maintain silence and order in our class
and recently she dyed her hair a light shade..
eeks. freaks me out when i first saw it but i'm getting used to it =.=

gotta go! nhsucks.

Monday, April 21, 2008
just came back from school
we celebrated yijun and felix birthday with a surprise party!!
but err.. it didn't turn out like a surprise party...
cos donna called yijun then yijun think we planning smthing
then bina didn't know and she called yijun
and after a while felix go call also...

we ate a polar chocolate cake~
the chocolate was really rich!
so yijun and felix got a really bigg piece
and then we all ate the rest with our hands!!
and guess wad? we used the rest for a food fight!!
benedict started it lor... he smeared the choc on felix's face then he continued smearing on everyone's face...
then in the end zoelyn and benedict's face got the most choc
and yijun's shirt got most choc one... >.<

sian... got art tmr. still need to chiong 4 pieces of artwork
1 shoe drawing, 3 things to do with walks of life, 2shaded.
i'm never gonna be able to complete those...

gotta go!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
i'm just bored tts why i'm posting this post
went for band today.
sian. at least i managed to learn some parts of american riversongs myself!
(with the help of donna n zoe also...)
mr tan asked me to press all the girls' tummy...
to see whether their diaphragm support is enough etc~

gonna go sleep liaozz
just found out what pooja means...
it's just a name lionel cr8 for zhenzhou cos got tt name in the malay textbook
then lionel is pooji
jerr is poopaun
stan is poopoo
sean is poolai
brandon is pooloke

lolx... gtg ^^

Sunday, April 13, 2008
i'm so pissed today
i realise i missed the malay online malay test,
there's a history test tmr
i haven't got my hist book with me
and i'm still baking inedible cookies.

i'm using an instant mix.
i'm following the recipe but it just dosen't work.
don't ever try buying betty crocker instant mixes.
it just screws up no matter what
happened the last time too
tt means i just wasted $4.10 on the instant mix
and my parents have to pay i don't know how much for electricity.
my oven's been on since 1pm
tt's 4~5 hours.

and the result?
some dirty dishes for me/mum to wash.
that means we'll be paying for the water too.
i'm just so fed up!!
crap. crap. crap.

they actually look like cookies but taste like brownies
and the chocolate's really rich.
too rich.

please teach me to bake sia...

yesterday wasn't tt bad.
i went to sheng siong with mum n dad
and they bought me bacardi breezer.
okay, i noe my msn nick says bacardi
not breezer... lolx
bacardi's 40% alcoholic
and the breezer thing's 4.8%
i drank half a bottle ytd and the rest today
and sorry, but i'm still awake!

i'm wondering what should i get for the april babies...
i was the mini cube for magdelene
or if i can afford it rubik's revenge

dunno lah.
i might not buy leh...
and too many of them in class.
magdelene, meisee, zhen zhou, lionel, yanting etc
and i'm not close with those above listed.
lolx... but they're still from this lovable gang called 202.

gotta start mugging for history.

Friday, April 11, 2008
bored... just came back from bukit timah shopping centre.
it's a really old shopping mall
I've decided to spend sometime during the weekend reflecting on myself...
i'm such a b!tch . keep critisizing ppl this year.
i don't know why, perhaps it's due to the influence of some ppl.
i seriously don't know. but whatever the reason
i think i'm gonna change.

today, quite a series of interesting things happened.
during geog, as usual...
the lesson was interesting but most of the things mr a tan covered were irrelevant to our topic...
then bio... had practical.
we had to put some blue thing into an agarose jelly with wells, submerged in water
it was rather fun, but sadly, i think mdm surin is really losing her passion for teaching
after handling kids for 30+ years, i think i'll be tired out...
she's getting naggy these days... jy! mdm surin...
during maths, we did a recap of the chapter.
i wasn't really listening throughout la... to be honest

and finally!!! LITERATURE.
mr ng's so pissed off with us.
actually i think our class was so friggin' quiet
(you should see english lessons)
our noise lvl was really very good lor...
except for ppl laughing.
(the presentation of our answers thing is kinda funny in some parts)
that's all. really.
and kang li kept being scolded by mr ng.
he sot sot one. o.0
then he ask us stay back 30min after school

so during pc lesson, ms kee asked us what happened.
we told her what happened.
(not to mention adding a bit to salt and pepper to make it sound more convincing... haha)
but ms kee believed us ^^
i like her the most among all our teachers...
ms kee rocks!
but sometimes i think she's finding it hard to keep us quiet and she freaks out lah...
but she still rocks.

we went to hall for a screening of a movie the others
it's a horror/suppense film and it's kinda creepy...
but anyway i'll skip that part.
and while we were going back to our classroom
we saw j lim walking from the staff room
and some of us shouted, "jesse lim! jesse lim!"
and actually she was on her way down the stairs but she heard us shouting so loudly
so she decided to come and pick on us

then she said she heard someone calling her name and asked them to turn themselves in
then lionel and kang li raised their hands
and she asked the rest of us to go back...

so we went back to find mr ng standing dere waiting for us...
and he was lecturing us for 30min.
and he speak super softly... like mumbling like tt..
he was praising himself actually
what he give us very little hw
we always don't hand in hw
and then he only ask us stay back
boring lor...
got some ppl sleep...

think being a teacher isn't suitable for him...
lolx =.="

Thursday, April 10, 2008
omg!! pulau semakau's like SO fun!
we took a really rocky bus ride to marina south pier
then we took this vip ferry to the island.
we went to the upperdeck after we left our bags at the air-conditioned deck
OMG!! the upper deck's really paradise...
the sea breeze beating on your face~
the forests on the islands waving their leaves at you...
the shadows casted on the waves of the sea~

am i writing a compo??
forget it.
anyway, you wont wanna miss that trip.
the landfill dosent even look like a landfill.
it looks like.
like... omg! it's just so beautiful.
if only i lived there...

didn't feel like leaving the place lor...

back home... study for chinese test for 5min then fell asleep...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
well band wasn't quite good yesterday.
nth went wrong but i just wasn't in the mood.
zoelyn pulled my ponytail twice. =.="
felix came sweating like crazy,
think he went to play basktball again...

thank goodness, today ain't such a bad day.
maths. went through maths paper... finally finish the paper. ^^
tian yu got full marks for the paper! omg, pro
EL. we were talking about ms mah. her name's actually mazda mah yee ching.
i think it's that mazda they were refering to...
i don't know, but the person who gave her this name must have been a car enthusiast!!

then it was music. we watched this video on history of music
and art was next. we drew our shoe photo using grid lines to help us get the correct proportion.
and i realised lionel lives in a hdb flat and has 2 dogs. lol

i think i've sorta patched up with mag.
during lunch i talked to her after she asked me to collect the money for class tee.
i didn't dare look at her eyes, but well... at least we did talk =D
these days i think i'm getting on good terms with boys.
i've been talking to quite a few of them lately,
like lionel, stanley, kenneth, jerrald, brandon etc.

it was geog, then chem.
the day passed by really quickly =]
and now i'm home! just ate lamb chop =)

going to pulau semakau tmr.
mr adrian tan said there's a lot of interesting marine life there ^^
looking forward to the trip.. i hope it's the way mr tan described it..
not smelly or dirty i hope.

Sunday, April 6, 2008
came back from dinner.
lolx i had seafood soup with rice.

i haven't done a single piece of hw yet.
art, literature, chem.
and there's band tmr.
lolx. i better chiong now.
if not i can't enjoy band.
it's like trying to go for a nice relaxed spa but you know you've got a mountain to climb.
chim, right?

but i think i'll start later. LOLX
alright, just after i post this entry...
my big bro's from nanhua btw.
that's like 9yrs ago...
then he's sudenly interested in wearing the nh pe shirt.
i don't know why, but i think he's just trying to amuse my two other brothers
but, haha...i know he's serious about buying it.
can't wait to see him in the pe shirt! LOLX
if only he didn't dump his pe shirt away.
then i'll wear it and make my friends go 'WAHHHH'
hahahahahaha... but well, there're too many 'if only's...

alright. gonna chiong.

well ytd i went to jrl to do cip.
before i went in there
i saw wanxin coming out
thne i run run run and tapped on her shoulder
and my, she looked so frightened..
she said someone's been stalking her just now
and she thought i was the person..

then i went to shelf books lor..
a malay lady taught me how to read the numbers and stuff
then i got the hang of it after a while
i was doing at the teen's section
4th floor by the way
when the trolley came out
you can see all the kids rushing to ransack the trolley
cos they wanted to see the comics that were coming
then.. slowly they'll disperse
it was quite easy actually
you'll just need to read the numbers etc.
but gosh!
it's pure boredom
and it's quite warm actually
i was perspiring like mad after one round around the 4th level
then later yen wei smsed me
saying her tuition was over
so i got her to help me!! har har
(she's had prior experience)
and she helped me for a while lah
then she left ^^

after this thing i'm quite convinced i won't ever do it again
if it wasn't for the CIP hours..
i think i'll be going the following friday and saturday.
anyone interested in joining me??

after the library thing
my dad came to pick my mum and i
and we went to bt. timah plaza.
it's a really old shopping mall
and my dad said it's the first shopping in singapore.
i not sure whether he meant the first shopping mall in s'pore
or the first shopping mall in the west of s'pore
we had dinner in a restaurant, wishbone.
then i ordered a plate of chicken rice that costs $8.90.
it looked like the chicken rice in the clementi hawker centre
but it's got nicer bowls n plates, more cucumber
lesser rice. and it costs 6 bucks more.

my dad says this restaurant's been there for 30 yrs.
and their chicken rice used to cost $1.
wow. and it's $8.90 now.

aft dinner we went to the cold storage at king albert's park
(we usually go to the cold storage at bt. panjang. it's smaller than the one in king albert's.)
and my, my.
if you're looking for cheese but you don't want kraft's singles
or packed mozarella and parmesan (lolx)
that's the place to go.
they've got a wide spread of cheeses.
i used to think cheese taste like.. like some hard slice of thing with a mild taste
but well, i was refering to kraft's.
for singaporean kids who never tasted any other cheese other than kraft's,
why not beg your parents to bring you to cold storage?

dad bought a little wedge of brie, his favourite
(he loves brie. everytime he goes to cold storage, he buys that)
and i bought this cheese with holes in it.
it looks pretty much like the cheese you see in tom and jerry.. lolx
(i'm not kidding.)
and there was this block of thing labeled cheddar.
it looks like a bar of soap and it doesn't have any packaging or anything.
my dad told me you had to grate it but he hates it.
unhygenic, he says.

so, you might have expected the stuff there to be quite costly
but well, you can really see lots of stuff you can't find in fairprice or sheng siong.
a wide variety of hams, cheese, spices, herbs and weird things.
and we only bought a few items (okay, quite a lot actually)
and it costs $60+.

mum cooked spaghetti today.
dad's supposed to cook but he went out. lolx
then i was grating my cheese with holes in it
and adding it to my pasta.
i think it tastes better if you grate it.

at least mum didn't overcook the pasta like the last time she cooked spaghetti.
thank goodness =)

Friday, April 4, 2008
wa today'sreally the day for me to relax!!
cos the maths test's over
and literature lesson wasnt tt bad...

geography seemed quite long but it was fun!!
all those stuff about chicken rice,
kobe beef, foie gras and other gourmet
makes my mouth water!

then bio was sian ...
and recess! all of us were like so scared...
maths test!! arrgg
i didn't do well i think
i left 1 question
and for almost all the questions i left 1 part blank...
but anyway it's over! so i shan't talk about it!

well literature was quite funny actually
the prose country lovers was super chim lor...
but then thank goodness mr ng helped us analyse the whole thing
then become very easy...
haha~ and cos kenneth and jerrald couldnt answer some questions
mr ng got them to act out the part
where thebedi and paulus
exchanged gifts
it was quite hilarious!!
but harhar...
they sabo-ed jun xian and stanley
then jun xian was like so funny!

he said wad.. i'm soory, thebedi!
i very poor lah
so cannot buy u belt ah
then also cannot buy you earrings!
i know you like the rich guy ah!...
then the whole class laugh like crazy

then during pc lesson ms kee played the broken telephone game.
it's like passing message
then see at the end what message we get
jerrald passed a msg 'all the boys in our class like to play balls'
then it became "i love playing balls" somewhere
then it became "i love seeing balls" somewhere else
and it changed to "i am willing to see balls" later
then changed to "i like seeing someone" in the end...

i think someone diliberately change the message lah..
but dunno who..
think is magdelene or kenneth
cos it was distorted somewhere there

then we stayed back for music proj
all thanks to yen wei........
but good lar, can finish early o.0

then we helped clean the classroom up
jerrald also helped sweep the floor

gonna bring furgie my dog for a walk~
cos my bro wants to give her a bath
so let her play play before bathing
cos ater bathing will be very clean

i just recalled mr tan was talking about his wife's standard poodle
my aunt used to have one but trust me, he was exaggerating
standard poodle and schnauzer also not so tall lor
is around the height of siberian husky.
or unless he was saying when the dog jumps on him lah
then maybe will that tall =.=

love furgie~ she's a miniature poodle.
and she's sleeping on my lap now!

Thursday, April 3, 2008
today was a soooooo fun day
maths test was postphoned
generally no hw today
and band prac!!!

and when we lined up for assembly, wanxin told me and cailing
our presents had to be bought at very mah fan places
mine was to be bought at bugis
and cailing's can be bought at jp and some other place
but she too lazy to buy
dunno leh...
just thinking about it makes me excited.
so kind of her... giving us presents even when it's long over.
me and cailing's birthday's at nov.

and the assembly!!!
total wreckage...
mr ng gave us a talk on some stuff about the lightning alert system
and playing ball games in classroom
and well apparently, he said
"you all are not surrrrposed to pray (he meant play) with your balls in the crassroom(classroom)
and you all har, can only pray your balls at the correct places hor
if you all are found playing your balls at the wrong place,
your balls will be confiscated, punctured and disposed of."
and the hall just broke into a hysterical moment of laughter.
it wasn't giggling, but the everyone
was clutching their stomachs, bending their backs and laughing madly
and even mr liu was trying to control his laughter.

and so, i went for band
at first was sectionals
at the bridge there near the hall
then donna and yijun suddenly left and didn't return until the time we packed our instruments
when they left, i think zoelyn and felix went to take scores for something
while bina went to photocopy some scores
then all of a sudden left me and si yang the china guy who joined band this year.
he's sec 3.
and i don't really like him...
cos he slacks a lot and we got a bit of communication prob. hahar...

i also went back to the third floor band room
then i saw a gust of wind blew some scores away
to the parade square from the second floor
then i ran down to second floor
then i tell him
"si yang! ni de score fei diao liao!"
then he stand there and he said,
"um. wo zhi dao."
then i was like
u stand there and u expect me to run down to get the score??!
are u a man or not?
i ended up helping him take...
and i ran lahh
cos i scared the score keep flying elsewhere

and apparently mr tan didn't come at the last minute
so we had drills
and yar.. i just realised how fun drills are!!!
the reason why?
cos ian wasn't the one giving the commands...
yuxuan and elena were not so bad.. haha^^

we did drills lar..
and instead of the usual ke kiri/kanan buseng thing
that we never seem to be able to do well
we sec 2s were taught marching...
and b4 tt we had to be in the sediyah (cant spell) position
then i REALLY locked my arms
face the front
and i didnt fidget at all...
and i was standing at the first row
(sayhua and xinhui sabo one...)
then yuxuan said i look very solemn and attentive
not bad mah...

then when we were marching on the spot
we kept advancing forward
it's like we moved half a meter
that's like really a lot in a damn short period of time
and when we marched
elena and yuxuan told the guys they were modeling
and the first row girls they were strolling
so FUNNY!!!

tmr got maths test sia~
and once again i havent revised
cos i've been blogging since i had my dinner
i cant do changing of subject matter for the maths!!!!
nvm.. lah
i will survive one..
cos most of the time i survive my maths test
back to mugging .

hahaha.. created a new blog.
btw i deleted my blog yesterday.
well cos i felt bad about scolding magdelene
after she scolded me.. o.0
so after deleting that post, and the tagboard
i went to the extent of deleting the whole blog

and so here i am
actually i sort of told her i wont cr8 a blog for the time being
but well,
cos after today's band
i'm like so...
cannot resist the temptation to cr8 a new blog
and share all about band today!!!

really sorry, magdelene
i hope you've read the apology letter i wrote you
and well, hope u can understand
... haix.
i'm a total failure
world's worst jerk
